The Final Events. Parousia. The Message of Malachi. Part Seventy-two in a Series.

The Final Events.

Parousia. The Message of Malachi.

Part Seventy-two in a Series.


“Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase; so, shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” Proverbs 3: 9, 10

“There is that scatters and yet increases and there is that withholds more than his meat, but it tends to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat; And he that waters shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:24, 25


“The liberal devises liberal things and by liberal things shall he stand.” Isaiah 32:8


Divine wisdom has appointed in the plan of salvation the law of action and reaction making the work of beneficence in all its branches twice blessed. The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven. Christ’s self-sacrificing love is revealed upon the cross. That man might be saved He gave all that He had and then gave Himself. The cross of Christ appeals to the benevolence of every follower of the blessed Savior. The principle there illustrated is to give, give. The principle of worldlings is to get, get and thus they expect to secure happiness; but carried out in all its bearings, the fruit is misery and death.


The love expressed on Calvary should be revived strengthened and diffused among all. Meet around the cross of Calvary in self-sacrifice and self-denial. God will bless you as you do your best. We are indebted to Jesus Christ for every moment of existence and for all the comforts of life. The powers and abilities that elevate man above the lower creation, are the endowment of the Creator. The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven. The spirit of selfishness is the spirit of Satan.


Have we forgotten that infinite price paid for our redemption? Is gratitude dead in the heart? Does not the cross of Christ put to shame a life of selfish ease and indulgence? We are reaping the fruits of this infinite self-sacrifice. Let us give while we have the power, let us do while we have the strength. Let us work while it is day. Let us devote our time and our means to the service of God that we may have his approbation and receive His reward.

The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events Blog series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the Love of the Father for all mankind.

The reproof and warning and promise of the Lord are given in the definite language in Malachi 3:8.

Will a man rob God? Yet he have robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? The Lord answers in tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.


A tithe of all our income is the Lord’s. A faithful steward will do all he possibly can in the service of God; the one object before him will be the great need of the world. The Lord has spoken in regard to paying tithes and this is standing on holy ground.

To have your name on the church books does not make you a Christian.  You are to bring your gifts to the altar of sacrifice cooperating with God to the utmost of your ability and through you He may reveal the beauty of His truth. Withhold nothing from the Savior. All is His. You would have nothing to give did He not first give to you.


Ask yourself the question what am I doing with the Lord’s talents?

We are living in a solemn time privilege and sacred trust a time in which our destiny is being decided for life or for death. Let us come to our senses. Remember that the Lord has entrusted you with talents upon which you are to trade diligently for Him. The capital has been advanced by the Lord. Success in trading comes from Him and to Him belongs the glory.


The leprosy of selfishness has taken hold of Christianity. The Lord Jesus Christ will heal this terrible disease if we will be healed.

The remedy is found in the 58th chapter of Isaiah.

“Free those who are wrongly imprisoned;

lighten the burden of those who work for you.

Let the oppressed go free,

and remove the chains that bind people.

Share your food with the hungry,

and give shelter to the homeless.

Give clothes to those who need them,

and do not hide from relatives who need your help.

“Then your salvation will come like the dawn,

and your wounds will quickly heal.

Your godliness will lead you forward,

and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.

Then when you call, the Lord will answer.

‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.”


It is a serious thing to embezzle the Lord’s goods to practice robbery toward God for in so doing the perceptions become perverted and the heart hardened. Place your treasure in the bank of heaven and preserve it in bags that grow not old. The slothful servant who puts not out his Lord’s money to usury loses an eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of glory.  To defraud God is the greatest crime of which man can be guilty and yet this sin is deep and widespread.


Some fail to educate the people to do their whole duty. The people enjoy the preaching but there is a lack of spirituality because the claims of God are not met. His people do not give Him tithes and offerings that are His own. This robbery of God which is practiced by both rich and poor brings darkness into the churches and the minister who labors with them and who does not show them the plainly revealed will of God is brought under condemnation with the people because he neglects his duty.


The Lord Jehovah understands it all. A book of remembrance is written before Him of them that fear the Lord, and that think upon His name. There is a record kept of all who are appropriating to themselves the gifts which God entrusted to them to use for the salvation of souls.

May the Lord help us to see our condition and to be wise, generous, and prudent stewards of the Lord’s talents and gifts.

The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events Blog series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the Love of the Father for all mankind.

The Final Events.

Parousia. The Message of Malachi.

Part Seventy-two in a Series.




Savior of the World