This is what Ellen White wrote about John Bunyan and his book The Pilgrim’s Progress:

“Success in the winning of souls does not depend upon age or circumstances, but upon the love one has for others. Consider John Bunyan imprisoned in the Bedford jail. His enemies think they have placed him where his work for others must cease. But not so. He is not idle. The love for souls continues to burn within him, and from the loath-some dungeon there is sent forth a light that has shone to all parts of the civilized world. There he wrote his wonderful allegory of the pilgrim’s journey from the land of destruction to the celestial city. This book, ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress,’ portrays the Christian life so accurately, and presents the love of Christ so attractively, that through its instrumentality hundreds and thousands have been converted.” {RH May 30, 1912, par. 11}