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01-01 - In Heavenly Places — Our Exalted Privilege2:34 Download
01-02 - Getting Acquainted with God2:17 Download
01-03 - Learning of God Through His Works2:22 Download
01-04 - Love that is Measureles2:26 Download
01-05 - Gift of God’s Love2:24 Download
01-06 - A Love Born of Mercy2:31 Download
01-07 - Only One Redeemer2:19 Download
01-08 - The Most Exalted Theme2:38 Download
01-09 - Righteousness Through Christ2:40 Download
01-10 - Not to Condemn But to Save2:31 Download
01-11 - Infinite Power2:41 Download
01-12 - Christ the Revelation of God2:33 Download
01-13 - A Mutual Contract2:24 Download
01-14 - A Change of Heart2:35 Download
01-15 - God’s Grace Transforms the Life2:27 Download
01-16 - A Mighty Unseen Power2:19 Download
01-17 - Sure Remedy for Sin2:27 Download
01-18 - A New Creation2:28 Download
01-19 - The Shepherd’s Tender Care2:29 Download
01-20 - God Has Chosen Me2:29 Download
01-21 - Cooperating With Heaven2:28 Download
01-22 - In the Hands of the Potter2:27 Download
01-23 - The Heavenly Election2:31 Download
01-24 - A Little Heaven Here2:29 Download
01-25 - Building for Eternity2:32 Download
01-26 - In Right Relation to God2:33 Download
01-27 - Fellowship With Christ2:35 Download
01-28 - Amazing Grace2:34 Download
01-29 - The Gift of Peace2:38 Download
01-30 - From Despair to Hope and Joy2:34 Download
01-31 - The Peril of Neglect2:31 Download
02-01 - Christ Exemplified God’s Law2:40 Download
02-02 - Our Link with Heaven2:23 Download
02-03 - Wonderful Condescension2:29 Download
02-04 - Mystery of All Mysteries2:42 Download
02-05 - Christ Our Sacrifice and Surety2:27 Download
02-06 - A Voluntary Sacrifice2:34 Download
02-07 - Breaking the Power of Death2:29 Download
02-08 - A Friend in the Heavenly Court2:33 Download
02-09 - An Honored Guest2:16 Download
02-10 - Our Sure Foundation2:31 Download
02-11 - Under Which Standard2:36 Download
02-12 - Inestimable Treasure2:39 Download
02-13 - Abundantly Pardoned2:28 Download
02-14 - Robed in Christ’s Righteousness2:36 Download
02-15 - In the Sunlight of the Cross2:31 Download
02-16 - Under Christ’s Yoke2:31 Download
02-17 - Only One Pattern2:36 Download
02-18 - Abiding in Christ2:36 Download
02-19 - One with Christ2:17 Download
02-20 - True to Our Name2:33 Download
02-21 - How Much Does God Love Use2:29 Download
02-22 - Partakers of the Divine Nature2:32 Download
02-23 - Living Abundantly2:26 Download
02-24 - Without Offence2:30 Download
02-25 - The Happiest People2:27 Download
02-26 - Grace and Dignity in Daily Duties2:27 Download
02-27 - More than Conquerors2:25 Download
02-28 - The Christian’s All in All2:33 Download
02-29 - Complete in Him2:41 Download
03-01 - Let Us Ask of God2:30 Download
03-02 - Whom God Accepts2:26 Download
03-03 - Strength Through Prayer2:32 Download
03-04 - Standing in the Light of Heaven2:24 Download
03-05 - Letters to Heaven2:37 Download
03-06 - Sweet Communion with our Saviour2:26 Download
03-07 - Fervent Prayer2:39 Download
03-08 - Nothing Too Small2:24 Download
03-09 - Prayer Moves Heaven2:32 Download
03-10 - Jesus the Mighty Petitioner2:30 Download
03-11 - Asking In Christ’s Name2:28 Download
03-12 - Our Access to the Father2:25 Download
03-13 - Our Personal Intercessor2:35 Download
03-14 - The Spirit’s Intercession2:29 Download
03-15 - According to God’s Will2:24 Download
03-16 - Ask in Faith2:27 Download
03-17 - The Secret of Spiritual Power2:32 Download
03-18 - The Silent Heart Cry2:25 Download
03-19 - Guard Jealously Your Hours for Prayer2:22 Download
03-20 - The Secret Place of Prayer2:29 Download
03-21 - With All Your Heart2:24 Download
03-22 - Faith That Will Not Let Go2:38 Download
03-23 - The Spirit of Submission2:32 Download
03-24 - Prayer in the Home2:25 Download
03-25 - The Prayer Meeting a Precious Season2:21 Download
03-26 - The Blessings of Fellowship in Prayer2:13 Download
03-27 - A Chain of Earnest, Praying Believers in Prayer2:23 Download
03-28 - Reflecting God’s Love2:18 Download
03-29 - Songs of Praise2:25 Download
03-30 - Praising God Before the World2:23 Download
03-31 - Watch and Pray2:25 Download
04-01 - Angel Guards2:20 Download
04-02 - Angels in the Home2:28 Download
04-03 - Special Care for the Weak2:30 Download
04-04 - I Have a Guardian Angel2:29 Download
04-05 - Working with the Angels2:25 Download
04-06 - Angel Guidance2:17 Download
04-07 - The Act of Faith2:17 Download
04-08 - Faith Versus Sight2:25 Download
04-09 - The Dangerous Seeds of Doubtt2:35 Download
04-10 - We Expect Too Little2:28 Download
04-11 - The Faith That Avails2:28 Download
04-12 - A Working Faith2:26 Download
04-13 - How Faith Works2:28 Download
04-14 - Trust Yourself with God2:35 Download
04-15 - A Test of Faith2:15 Download
04-16 - Shun Needless Worry2:22 Download
04-17 - God Cares for You2:20 Download
04-18 - Expressions of God’s Love2:25 Download
04-19 - Take God’s Word on Trust2:28 Download
04-20 - Battles to Fight2:25 Download
04-21 - A Nominal Faith Not Sufficient2:23 Download
04-22 - Abundant Mercy2:23 Download
04-23 - Trust in Time of Trial2:22 Download
04-24 - Trust in Times of Affliction2:03 Download
04-25 - Trust When You Have Failed2:23 Download
04-26 - Trust in Time of Difficulty2:21 Download
04-27 - Trust When You Make Mistakesy2:20 Download
04-28 - The Garden of God’s Promises2:17 Download
04-29 - Feelings Not a Test2:14 Download
04-30 - The Sure Anchor of Faith2:26 Download
05-01 - The Heavenly Father’s Claim2:29 Download
05-02 - Our Example in Obedience2:37 Download
05-03 - Building on Christ2:27 Download
05-04 - Obedience the Test of True Religion2:24 Download
05-05 - God’s Word Our Guide and Counselor2:18 Download
05-06 - The Great Standard of Right and Wrong2:16 Download
05-07 - An Audience with the Most High2:08 Download
05-08 - Joy and Consolation2:17 Download
05-09 - A Safeguard Against the Enemy2:19 Download
05-10 - The Source of Wisdom2:19 Download
05-11 - How to Study the Bible2:15 Download
05-12 - A Divine Helper2:26 Download
05-13 - Heart Work2:27 Download
05-14 - The Highest Culture2:17 Download
05-15 - The Royal Path2:22 Download
05-16 - In Touch with the Infinite2:24 Download
05-17 - The Witness of the Spirit2:12 Download
05-18 - Sanctifying Power2:22 Download
05-19 - Freedom Through Christ2:31 Download
05-20 - God’s Way, Not Mine2:30 Download
05-21 - The Highest Standard2:27 Download
05-22 - Loyal to God or to Men2:24 Download
05-23 - God’s Test of Loyalty2:07 Download
05-24 - Remember the Sabbath Day2:20 Download
05-25 - Day of Delight and Blessing2:14 Download
05-26 - The Measure of Responsibility2:18 Download
05-27 - The Impress of Heaven2:10 Download
05-28 - Filled With His Fullnes2:24 Download
05-29 - Weighed in Heaven’s Balances2:15 Download
05-30 - A Divine-Human Partnership2:23 Download
05-31 - Blessings Unlimited2:24 Download
06-01 - Building with God2:21 Download
06-02 - The Battle for a Spiritual Mind2:28 Download
06-03 - Will Your Thoughts Bear Inspection2:21 Download
06-04 - Keeping the Heart2:20 Download
06-05 - Christ in All Our Thoughts2:35 Download
06-06 - Security in Right Thinking2:26 Download
06-07 - In Harmony with God’s Mind2:24 Download
06-08 - Like Christ in Thought2:19 Download
06-09 - Dare to be Different2:19 Download
06-10 - No Partnership with the World2:14 Download
06-11 - Severed from Earthly Things2:22 Download
06-12 - Disentangled,2:24 Download
06-13 - The Vital Threads of Influence2:28 Download
06-14 - A Network of Virtuous Influences2:26 Download
06-15 - The Gold of Christian Character2:25 Download
06-16 - The Gift of Speech2:13 Download
06-17 - Educating the Tongue2:26 Download
06-18 - Don’t Retaliate2:20 Download
06-19 - Fragrant in Word2:18 Download
06-20 - Loyal to One Another2:20 Download
06-21 - The Power of Truthfulness2:21 Download
06-22 - Gracious Words2:32 Download
06-23 - Kind and Courteous Words2:21 Download
06-24 - No Sharp or Hasty Words2:25 Download
06-25 - Growing Up in Christ2:30 Download
06-26 - Don’t be a Religious Dwarf2:27 Download
06-27 - Don’t be a Religious Dwarf2:37 Download
06-28 - Perfect in Your Sphere2:21 Download
06-29 - Revealing Christ’s Likeness2:45 Download
06-30 - Christ’s Abiding Presence2:28 Download
07-01 - The Christian’s Pledge of Allegiance2:44 Download
07-02 - Total Commitment to God2:35 Download
07-03 - A Temple for God2:32 Download
07-04 - Caring for the Body Temple2:30 Download
07-05 - “Our Reasonable Service”2:34 Download
07-06 - The Test of Appetite2:28 Download
07-07 - The Battle for Purity2:38 Download
07-08 - Danger at Every Step2:31 Download
07-09 - Safeguarding the Moral Powers2:26 Download
07-10 - Crucifying the Flesh2:32 Download
07-11 - A Firm, Decisive “No”2:22 Download
07-12 - Complete Sanctification2:42 Download
07-13 - Our Supreme Obligation2:27 Download
07-14 - Marriage a Sacred Institution2:16 Download
07-15 - The Bonds of Wedlock2:22 Download
07-16 - Counsel to a Bride and Groom2:20 Download
07-17 - Take Marriage Problems to God2:28 Download
07-18 - Keeping Love Alive2:15 Download
07-19 - The Widening Circle of Love2:28 Download
07-20 - A Message to Parents2:22 Download
07-21 - The Home a School2:31 Download
07-22 - Training Our Children for Christ2:23 Download
07-23 - Preparing for Heaven’s School2:23 Download
07-24 - Influence of Godly Parents2:28 Download
07-25 - The Family Altar2:28 Download
07-26 - Pattern for Children and Youth2:18 Download
07-27 - Children the Objects of God’s Special Care2:25 Download
07-28 - A Message to Children2:11 Download
07-29 - A Message to Youth2:25 Download
07-30 - On Guard Against Satan2:20 Download
07-31 - “Is My Family Prepared to Meet the Lord”2:18 Download
08-01 - We are God’s Property2:33 Download
08-02 - All We Possess Comes From God2:31 Download
08-03 - The Debt We Owe2:32 Download
08-04 - A Time for Heart Searching2:28 Download
08-05 - Using Our Talents for God2:35 Download
08-06 - The Pathway of Sacrifice2:37 Download
08-07 - The Voice of Duty2:27 Download
08-08 - One Day at a Time2:38 Download
08-09 - Each in His Place2:25 Download
08-10 - Joy in Service2:22 Download
08-11 - Demonstrating Christ’s Love2:23 Download
08-12 - Developing Self-Control2:28 Download
08-13 - Overcoming Selfishness2:23 Download
08-14 - Living for Others2:26 Download
08-15 - Love the Impelling Motive2:23 Download
08-16 - Self Hidden in Christ2:21 Download
08-17 - The Precious Attribute of Meekness2:19 Download
08-18 - The Measure of a Man’s Worth2:30 Download
08-19 - Mercy for the Merciful2:34 Download
08-20 - Waves of Blessing2:29 Download
08-21 - Streams in the Desert2:20 Download
08-22 - God Honors the Humble2:25 Download
08-23 - Faithful in Little Things2:23 Download
08-24 - Unbending Integrity2:33 Download
08-25 - Graces to Cherish2:22 Download
08-26 - Cheerfulness Without Levity2:30 Download
08-27 - “Longsuffering with Joyfulness”2:25 Download
08-28 - No Place for Discouragement2:17 Download
08-29 - Our Glorious Work2:26 Download
08-30 - Christ’s Legacy of Peace2:30 Download
08-31 - Preparing to Meet Jesus2:18 Download
09-01 - The “Why” of Temptation2:22 Download
09-02 - Christ the Mighty Conqueror2:17 Download
09-03 - An Unseen Battle Over Every Soul2:34 Download
09-04 - Keep Off Satanic Ground2:12 Download
09-05 - Never Accept Satan’s Dare2:19 Download
09-06 - Victory in the Mighty Name of Jesus2:34 Download
09-07 - No One Free from Temptation2:26 Download
09-08 - Perils on Life’s Pathway2:24 Download
09-09 - Armed for the Conflict2:22 Download
09-10 - Resolute Will Essential for Victory2:26 Download
09-11 - As Steadfast As Daniel2:20 Download
09-12 - None Need Be Overcome2:34 Download
09-13 - Pressing Against the Current2:23 Download
09-14 - Jesus Our Advocate2:30 Download
09-15 - Under God’s Discipline2:29 Download
09-16 - Tests All Along the Way2:30 Download
09-17 - The Polishing Process2:33 Download
09-18 - No Exemption from Sorrow2:38 Download
09-19 - Strength for Today2:33 Download
09-20 - When Faith is Tried2:18 Download
09-21 - Heaven’s Honor Roll2:14 Download
09-22 - In the Hour of Grief2:20 Download
09-23 - Sweetness Through Affliction2:31 Download
09-24 - Clouds Will Pass2:20 Download
09-25 - Jesus Lights the Way2:20 Download
09-26 - I Press Toward the Mark2:27 Download
09-27 - -“Be Strong”2:33 Download
09-28 - Overcoming Power2:25 Download
09-29 - We May Triumph Gloriously2:35 Download
09-30 - The Overcomer’s Reward2:23 Download
10-01 - God’s Church on Earth2:21 Download
10-02 - Members of God’s Household2:24 Download
10-03 - Object of God’s Tenderest Care2:23 Download
10-04 - “The Apple of His Eye“2:36 Download
10-05 - Fitting Up for Heaven’s Mansions2:17 Download
10-06 - Loyal to the Family Name2:25 Download
10-07 - A Relationship of Interdependence2:19 Download
10-08 - One Brotherhood2:21 Download
10-09 - Helping One Another2:23 Download
10-10 - Living by the Golden Rule2:32 Download
10-11 - Help for the Erring2:33 Download
10-12 - Dealing with Evil Reports2:29 Download
10-13 - “Have Fervent Charity”2:17 Download
10-14 - Strength for the Weak2:23 Download
10-15 - A Helping Hand for the Despairing2:32 Download
10-16 - Courtesy Toward All2:27 Download
10-17 - Deliverance for the Oppressed2:35 Download
10-18 - Followers of the Lamb2:32 Download
10-19 - Ever Remember Your High Calling2:23 Download
10-20 - Christlike Through Self-denial2:30 Download
10-21 - The Peril of Riches2:20 Download
10-22 - God’s Prior Claims2:26 Download
10-23 - God’s Plan for Support of His Work2:29 Download
10-24 - The Bible Rules for Giving2:24 Download
10-25 - Settle Your Accounts with Heaven2:17 Download
10-26 - “A Memorial Before God”2:17 Download
10-27 - Where Are Your Affections2:26 Download
10-28 - Living Above the World2:31 Download
10-29 - The Church and the World2:18 Download
10-30 - “Be Not Conformed“2:21 Download
10-31 - Kept From the Evil2:27 Download
11-01 - Our Mission to the World2:18 Download
11-02 - Battling Moral Darkness2:28 Download
11-03 - “Arise, Shine”2:17 Download
11-04 - Light Revealed in the Life2:19 Download
11-05 - Light Bearers on the Way to Heaven2:28 Download
11-06 - Sowing the World with Truth2:24 Download
11-07 - The Most Powerful Argument2:21 Download
11-08 - No Boundary Lines2:28 Download
11-09 - Every Man Our Neighbor2:17 Download
11-10 - Before the Heavenly Universe2:22 Download
11-11 - Seekers for Truth2:19 Download
11-12 - A Work for Everyone2:16 Download
11-13 - Our Obligations to the Poor2:25 Download
11-14 - “Unto One of the Least of These”2:28 Download
11-15 - To the Glory of God2:18 Download
11-16 - Undaunted Courage2:24 Download
11-17 - The Gracious Invitation2:22 Download
11-18 - Hope for Lost Sinners2:26 Download
11-19 - Where God Leads2:17 Download
11-20 - God Gives the Increase2:22 Download
11-21 - “What Manner of Persons”2:19 Download
11-22 - The Outpouring of the Spirit2:21 Download
11-23 - The Promise is For Us2:19 Download
11-24 - Deep Moving of the Spirit2:28 Download
11-25 - The Gift All May Posses2:24 Download
11-26 - Christ Accessible Through His Spirit2:31 Download
11-27 - The Latter Rain2:20 Download
11-28 - Echo the Message2:21 Download
11-29 - A World to be Warned2:16 Download
11-30 - Day of Triumph2:16 Download
12-01 - Crisis of the Ages2:23 Download
12-02 - Warning Messages2:26 Download
12-03 - A Time of Trouble2:15 Download
12-04 - “While He May Be Found”2:24 Download
12-05 - Probation’s Closing Hour2:27 Download
12-06 - A Work of Preparation2:24 Download
12-07 - Our Sure Defense2:26 Download
12-08 - Beware of Satan’s Delusions2:24 Download
12-09 - Truth Our Safeguard2:17 Download
12-10 - A Moment of Respite2:21 Download
12-11 - The Blessed Hope2:28 Download
12-12 - Victory Over Death2:21 Download
12-13 - Children of the Heavenly King2:33 Download
12-14 - If Christ Should Come Today2:21 Download
12-15 - A Crown of Thorns—A Crown of Glory2:27 Download
12-15 - Would You Be Ready2:16 Download
12-16 - Glory Indescribable2:25 Download
12-17 - Judge of the Whole World2:23 Download
12-18 - Justice Triumphant2:21 Download
12-20 - Life or Death2:25 Download
12-21 - Too Late2:31 Download
12-22 - Confessing our Faith2:24 Download
12-23 - The Soul Winner’s Reward2:19 Download
12-24 - To See the King2:32 Download
12-25 - Glories of the Future World2:26 Download
12-26 - “Come, Ye Blessed”2:37 Download
12-27 - Longing for Heaven2:24 Download
12-28 - By the Tree of Life2:23 Download
12-29 - Breathing the Atmosphere of Heaven2:26 Download
12-30 - Joy Evermore2:36 Download
12-31 - Kingdom of Holy Love2:33 Download