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America’s Belief in God Hits New Low

America’s belief in God hits new low

The number of Americans who believe in God has dropped to the lowest level in the 78 years Gallup has asked the question, per a recent poll.

Driving the news: 81% of U.S. adults say they believe in God — down 6 points from 2017.

  • Belief in God dropped the most among young adults, liberals and Democrats, with these groups showing a drop of 10 or more percentage points compared to an average of polls from 2013 to 2017, Gallup found.

More than 90% of Americans believed in God between 1944 and 2011.

  • Conservatives and married adults experienced little change in beliefs, and other subgroups, including education level and ages, experienced but a modest decline.

By the numbers: 62% of liberals, 68% of young adults and 72% of Democrats say they believe in God. These groups experienced the largest declines in beliefs, Gallup notes.

  • Belief in God is highest among political conservatives, with 94% saying they believe in God, and Republicans, with 92% saying so.

Between the lines: While the percentage of Americans who believe in God is down over the last five years — and down even more when compared to the last several decades — a majority of Americans still believe in God, Gallup found.