Savior of the World: 25 – The New Earth

Study #25 Before creation, this world was “without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Genesis 1:26-28). Then, in six days, God created a perfect world and placed Adam and Eve to rule over it (see Genesis 1:26-28). Unfortunately, the entrance of sin marred the bliss of this perfect and […]

Savior of the World: 24 – The Millennium

Study #24 The closing chapters of the book of Revelation describe the final events of this worlds history and the plan of redemption. One of the events it records is the 1,000 years that is commonly known as the Millennium. The word millennium comes from two Latin words joined together — mil,meaning one thousand, and annum, meaning year. […]

Savior of the World: 23 – The Remnant

Study #23 Before God will bring this wicked world to an end, Jesus prophesied that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached into all the world for a witness” (Matthew 24:14). When this prophecy is fulfilled every person on this earth who has reached the age of accountability will have made up his or […]

Savior of the World: 22 – The Day of Atonement

Study #22 In lesson #20, we discovered that the Sanctuary was God’s visual aid, His “show and tell,” revealing the total plan of salvation in Christ. The daily services of the Sanctuary ended every year with the Day of Atonement. This was, and still is, the most solemn feast day in the Jewish calendar. It represented […]

Savior of the World: 21 – The Investigative Judgment

Study#21 In our last study, we examined the Sanctuary doctrine, God’s “show and tell” of the entire plan of redemption. In the next few studies, which will bring these series of Bible lessons to an end, we will consider what the Sanctuary truth reveals about the closing events of this earth’s history. The purpose of […]

Savior of the World: 20 – The Sanctuary

Study #20 After the death of the apostles, the leadership of the church fell into the hands of Gentile believers, commonly referred to as the Church Fathers. These men saw very little value in the sanctuary doctrine. To them this was something that belonged to Judaism and had no relevance to New Testament Christianity. Consequently, […]

Savior of the World: 19 – Health Reform

Study #19 The original sin of Adam affected mankind in three ways — spiritually, morally, and physically. Christ came as Saviour of the world to save humanity from these threefold effects of sin. Therefore, when we by faith receive Christ as our Saviour, we are to surrender to His transforming grace in all these three […]

Savior of the World: 18 – Spiritual Gifts

Study #18 When you accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, God sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and as a result you were baptized into the body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12:13). Hence, God’s church on earth may be described as an extension of Christ to show forth the glory of God. […]

Beyond Belief: Chapter 18 – The Sabbath Rest

Beyond Belief bible study series title

The Sabbath is more than a day of physical and mental relaxation.  It is even more than the day on which we worship.  The Sabbath has a definite redemptive significance — a distinct connection with the everlasting gospel. The New Testament often uses the word rest to describe the good news of salvation realized in the holy […]

Savior of the World: 17 – The State of the Dead

Study #17 One of the questions that is uppermost in the minds of many is, what is the state of the dead? This is especially true if we have lost a loved one. Death is the “grim reaper” and as such, every one of us have to face it. According to the Bible all humanity […]