The Final Events. Calamities Increase. Eight in a Series.
The Final Events. Calamities Increase. Part Eight in a Series. Jesus foretold that natural, economic, and military disasters will multiply and intensify, like a woman’s contractions in labor, leading up to the Parousia and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. E.G. White indicates that the world will be catapulted to its end by means […]
The Final Events. The Gospel to All Nations. Five in a Series.
The Final Events. The Gospel to All Nations. Part Five in a Series. Jesus explained that the proclamation of the gospel— the good news of God’s saving grace— as a “witness” to “all nations” is the pivotal factor of earth’s final events. Once that happens then the end will come. Everyone will have decided for […]
The Final Events. False Revivals. Seven in a Series.
The Final Events. False Revivals. Part Seven in a Series. As the true gospel gains influence, Babylon loses credibility, and the earth becomes more and more enveloped in disaster, Satan will instigate false religious revivals. Getting “back to God” will be advanced as the solution to humanities woes, but on the premise of a […]
The Final Events. God Is Libeled. A Time of Spiritual Darkness. Four in a Series.
The Final Events. God Is Slandered. A Time of Spiritual Darkness. Part Four in a Series. Very slowly, at first in stealth and silence, and then more openly, increasing in strength, and gaining control of the minds of men, the “Mystery of Iniquity” carried forward its deceptive and blasphemous work. Almost imperceptively, the customs of […]