The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Part Fifty-six in a Series.

The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You.

The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Part Fifty-six in a Series.   The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Christ Overcame.  Discover How You Can Too! The last generation of Christians are to overcome in the same manner that Jesus Christ overcame. What did Christ overcome? First, He overcame […]

The Final Events. In Christ. Part Forty-nine in a Series

The Final Events. In Christ. Part Forty-nine in a Series. The key phrase that runs throughout Paul’s epistles some 64 times is the recurring phrase, the central theme of Paul’s theology, which is the expression “in Christ” or “in Christ Jesus”. This phrase is sometimes expressed by other synonymous phrases such as in Him, […]

The Final Events. Splinters and Jewels. Part Forty-eight in a Series

The Final Events. Splinters and Jewels. Part Forty-eight in a Series If Christ is in you “the hope of glory,” you will have no disposition to watch others, to expose their errors. Instead of seeking to accuse and condemn, it will be your object to help, to bless, and to save. In dealing with […]