Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Principle of the Cross

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Principle of the Cross From Beyond Belief, J.H. Sequeira Earlier in this book, we examined the cross of Christ as an objective fact.  In this chapter, we will be concerned with applying this truth to our lives.  The power of the gospel is based on […]

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Christ- The Joyous Experience of Salvation

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Christ- The Joyous Experience of Salvation In earlier chapters, we studied the various facets of the objective gospel — the plan of salvation that has already been prepared and provided for all humanity in Jesus Christ.  In chapters 10 and 11, we saw that the truth of this gospel […]

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- Justification and Sanctification

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- Justification and Sanctification Now that we have defined genuine saving faith and have seen what role it plays in our salvation, let’s look at the two main areas — justification and sanctification — that together make up this doctrine of righteousness by faith. There is much confusion […]

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- Righteousness by Faith

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- Righteousness by Faith Earlier, we defined the gospel and salvation as an objective fact.  We saw that, in Christ, all humanity has obtained full and complete salvation because Christ’s life has provided salvation from sin’s guilt and punishment, its power, and its curse [see Ephesians 2:5-6]. Here, […]

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Two Adams Romans 5

The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Cross and the Great Controversy

Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Two Adams Romans 5 The teaching of the two Adams is one of the most neglected and misunderstood doctrines of the bible.  Yet it is vitally important to our salvation because the eternal destiny of all who have ever lived is closely connected with these two […]