What is Societal or Civilizational Collapse?

What is  Societal or Civilizational Collapse? Societal collapse (also known as civilizational collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity, self-centeredness, lawlessness, lack of Biblical values, downfall of government, and the rise of violence. Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, lack of Biblical core values (the two great commandments), self-centeredness, war, […]

Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus Christ: What is the Modern Self?

Parousia, Second Coming of Jesus Christ: What is the Modern Self? Is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ imminent? Let’s dive in and start with a series of questions penned by Carl Trueman, PhD from his book Strange New World. Am I to be understood primarily in terms of my obligations toward and dependence upon […]

The Final Events. Preaching Practical Sermons. Part 71 in a series.

The Final Events. Preaching Practical Sermons. Part 71 in a series   Inspired by love for Christ and for the souls for whom He has died they feel an intense earnestness to act their part with fidelity and preach quiet sermons of practical godliness. Selfishness is the strongest and most general of human impulses, the […]