The Final Events. Preaching Practical Sermons. Part 71 in a series.

The Final Events. Preaching Practical Sermons. Part 71 in a series   Inspired by love for Christ and for the souls for whom He has died they feel an intense earnestness to act their part with fidelity and preach quiet sermons of practical godliness. Selfishness is the strongest and most general of human impulses, the […]

The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Part Fifty-six in a Series.

The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You.

The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Part Fifty-six in a Series.   The Final Events. As Christ Overcame. So Can You. Christ Overcame.  Discover How You Can Too! The last generation of Christians are to overcome in the same manner that Jesus Christ overcame. What did Christ overcome? First, He overcame […]