00 - Preface | 2:50 |
01 - Gods Purpose Concerning Israel | 5:37 |
02 - Causes of the Babylonish Captivity | 6:30 |
03 - Early Training of Daniel and His Companions | 6:39 |
04 - Daniels Temperance Principles | 5:53 |
05 - The 10-Day Trial | 6:36 |
06 - The Reward of Temperance | 5:47 |
07 - A Warfare Against Temperance | 5:55 |
08 - Success in Education | 5:10 |
09 - Earnestness of Purpose | 7:22 |
10 - The Vision of the Great Image | 7:49 |
11 - The Interpretation of the Vision of the Great Image | 4:54 |
12 - The Moral Deterioration of a Nation | 5:42 |
13 - Obedience the Condition of Gods Favor | 6:10 |
14 - True Wisdom | 6:27 |
15 - Gods Prophetic Word | 3:34 |
16 - A Perversion of Truth | 5:32 |
17 - The Fiery Furnace | 4:46 |
18 - In the Midst of the Fire | 6:33 |
19 - The Sabbath Test | 6:09 |
20 - Nebuchadnezzars Babylon | 5:06 |
21 - Nebuchadnezzars Second Dream | 3:32 |
22 - The Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars Second Dream | 4:50 |
23 - Nebuchadnezzars Humiliation | 4:27 |
24 - Nebuchadnezzars Restoration | 3:38 |
25 - Self Exaltation | 4:54 |
26 - The Unseen Watcher | 8:18 |
27 - Found Wanting | 10:00 |
28 - Cast Into the Den of Lions | 10:38 |
29 - A Faithful Prime Minister and a Faithful Prophet | 7:14 |
30 - The End of the Seventy Years | 7:47 |
31 - The Prayer of a Truly Sanctified Man | 7:29 |
32 - Daniels Prayers Prevail | 5:08 |
33 - Them That Honor Me I Will Honor | 6:18 |
34 - Dare to Be a Daniel | 10:14 |