01-01 - That We May Be Encouraged | 2:27 |
01-02 - There’s Hope | 2:30 |
01-03 - A Place in Line | 2:25 |
01-04 - What Fruit | 2:30 |
01-05 - In God’s Image | 2:27 |
01-06 - Eden | 2:23 |
01-07 - A Chance to Choose | 2:26 |
01-08 - Someone to Share | 2:40 |
01-09 - Deceived | 2:29 |
01-10 - Used by Satan | 2:36 |
01-11 - -When it’s Better not to Know | 2:24 |
01-12 - Cursed | 2:34 |
01-13 - Taught by Nature | 2:22 |
01-14 - Between God and Man | 2:22 |
01-15 - One Expensive Mistake | 2:20 |
01-16 - By Word of Mouth | 2:24 |
01-17 - Home Again | 2:19 |
01-18 - It’s Up to You | 2:17 |
01-19 - Two Ways to Go | 2:30 |
01-20 - Your Face is Telling | 2:25 |
01-21 - Cain Went Out | 2:10 |
01-22 - He Walked with God | 2:25 |
01-23 - God Took Him | 2:27 |
01-24 - Looking at Christ | 2:39 |
01-25 - An Open Door | 2:22 |
01-26 - God or Idols | 2:25 |
01-27 - Giants in the Land | 2:23 |
01-28 - -Abused Talents | 2:13 |
01-29 - An Affluent Society | 2:14 |
01-30 - Marrying and Giving in Marriage | 2:26 |
01-31 - Until the Day | 2:18 |
02-01 - Build an Ark | 2:23 |
02-02 - Safe Inside | 2:23 |
02-03 - After Seven Days | 2:18 |
02-04 - As it was in the Days of Noah | 2:22 |
02-06 - Confused and Scattered | 2:26 |
02-07 - No Questions Asked | 2:28 |
02-08 - There’s a Reason | 2:27 |
02-09 - God Protects His Own | 2:21 |
02-10 - Keeping the Peace | 2:43 |
02-11 - Toward Sodom | 2:34 |
02-12 - - A Home God can Bless | 2:35 |
02-13 - - Entertaining Strangers | 2:35 |
02-14 - - Countdown for Sodom | 2:25 |
02-15 - - Unsafe Streets | 2:28 |
02-16 - - That Last Night | 2:37 |
02-17 - - Don’t Forget | 2:24 |
02-18 - - A Better Country | 2:13 |
02-19 - - Nothing Too Precious | 2:26 |
02-20 - - Choosing a Wife | 2:29 |
02-21 - - A Happy Marriage | 2:22 |
02-22 - - Let Your Religion Show | 2:09 |
02-23 - - Nonidentical Twins | 2:38 |
02-24 - - Twisted Values | 2:39 |
02-25 - - Bartered Birthright | 2:17 |
02-26 - - A Bitter Price | 2:23 |
02-27 - - Hope for a Fugitive | 2:35 |
02-28 - - Return to God His Own | 2:41 |
03-01 - - Seven Short Years | 2:26 |
03-02 - - A Life and Death Matter | 2:26 |
03-03 - - The Time of Jacob’s Trouble | 2:23 |
03-04 - - Power Guaranteed | 2:25 |
03-05 - - Reunion | 2:15 |
03-06 - - Separate Ways | 2:14 |
03-07 - - A Home in Trouble | 2:18 |
03-08 - - An Inspired Resolution | 2:22 |
03-09 - - A Blessed Partnership | 2:28 |
03-10 - - How Can I Do It | 2:29 |
03-11 - - A Prison Apprenticeship | 2:31 |
03-12 - - Always the Same | 2:25 |
03-13 - - All in God’s Plan | 2:22 |
03-14 - - He was Like Christ | 2:35 |
03-15 - - A Slave Mother | 2:13 |
03-16 - - The Right Choice | 2:22 |
03-17 - - Not God’s Way | 2:28 |
03-18 - - God’s University | 2:30 |
03-19 - - Worth More | 2:30 |
03-20 - - Seeing the Invisible | 2:34 |
03-21 - - Learning and Unlearning | 2:33 |
03-22 - - God Sent Him | 2:31 |
03-23 - - Who is the Lord | 2:34 |
03-24 - - Hardening of the Heart | 2:21 |
03-25 - - Free at Last | 2:37 |
03-26 - - Cloud and Fire | 2:27 |
03-27 - - A Safe Path | 2:21 |
03-28 - - The Song of Moses and the Lamb | 2:17 |
03-29 - - Complaining Again | 2:13 |
03-30 - - Hands Toward Heaven | 2:16 |
03-31 - - Two Hands for God | 2:21 |
04-01 - - A Crisis in Israel | 2:23 |
04-02 - - He Failed His Brother | 2:32 |
04-03 - - Face to Face | 2:21 |
04-04 - - Strange Fire | 2:26 |
04-05 - - Too Drunk to Care | 2:16 |
04-06 - - Misplaced Love | 2:31 |
04-07 - - Undernourished Souls | 2:32 |
04-08 - - Two Against One | 1:57 |
04-09 - - The Most Satanic Trait | 2:21 |
04-10 - - A Contradictory Report | 2:13 |
04-11 - - Why Wait | 2:26 |
04-12 - - Rebellion in the Camp | 2:20 |
04-13 - - He Lost His Patience | 2:29 |
04-14 - - No Excuse for Sinning | 2:28 |
04-15 - - From Grave to Glory | 2:31 |
04-16 - - Prophecy for Pay | 2:29 |
04-17 - - Duty or Desire | 2:08 |
04-18 - - Two of a Kind | 2:21 |
04-19 - - Sins That Scar | 2:27 |
04-20 - - The Only Way to Win | 2:35 |
04-21 - - The Invisible Ally | 2:21 |
04-22 - - Only God Could Do It | 2:26 |
04-23 - - One Man’s Sin | 2:24 |
04-24 - - No Hiding from God | 2:13 |
04-25 - - Too Late | 2:26 |
04-26 - - The Price of a Lie | 2:21 |
04-27 - - Give Me This Mountain | 2:29 |
04-28 - - Iron Chariots | 2:24 |
04-29 - - As for Me | 2:17 |
04-30 - Haven’t I Sent You | 2:19 |
05-01 - Too Many Soldiers | 2:21 |
05-02 - Still Too Many | 2:25 |
05-03 - Betrayed into Error | 2:18 |
05-04 - Before the Baby Comes | 2:18 |
05-05 - Compromise | 2:14 |
05-06 - Mighty Weakling | 2:18 |
05-07 - What’s the Secret | 2:18 |
05-08 - This is the Secret | 2:26 |
05-09 - A Sure Crop | 2:18 |
05-10 - God Remembered | 2:29 |
05-11 - She Kept Her Promise | 2:22 |
05-12 - God’s Property | 2:28 |
05-13 - Like Parent, Like Child | 2:02 |
05-14 - A Dangerous Example | 2:16 |
05-15 - No Restraint | 2:13 |
05-16 - Delayed Judgment | 2:21 |
05-17 - A Fainthearted Father | 2:25 |
05-18 - No Generation Gap | 2:25 |
05-19 - Revival | 2:15 |
05-20 - Like Everyone Else | 2:22 |
05-21 - No Apologies Needed | 2:22 |
05-22 - The People’s Choice | 2:16 |
05-23 - The Potential is There | 2:23 |
05-24 - Running Ahead of God | 2:13 |
05-25 - Found Wanting | 2:19 |
05-26 - A Time for Courage | 2:27 |
05-27 - The Real King | 2:23 |
05-28 - It Works Two Ways | 2:22 |
05-29 - Tested Again | 2:14 |
05-30 - Not to be Trusted | 2:30 |
05-31 - I Hear the Sheep | 2:13 |
06-01 - Not Really Sorry | 2:17 |
06-02 - Sanity Almost Gone | 2:23 |
06-03 - God’s Choice, Not Man’s | 2:23 |
06-04 - Preparing to Lead | 2:24 |
06-05 - Human Boasting | 2:26 |
06-06 - Five Smooth Stones | 2:23 |
06-07 - A Sure Outcome | 2:32 |
06-08 - No One Sorry | 2:26 |
06-09 - Music in a Cave | 2:09 |
06-10 - Result of Insanity | 2:25 |
06-11 - A Mismatched Pair | 2:22 |
06-12 - Gentle Rebuke | 2:23 |
06-13 - Divine Vengeance | 2:16 |
06-14 - No Answer from God | 2:33 |
06-15 - That’s Not Samuel | 2:21 |
06-16 - God’s Secrets | 2:30 |
06-17 - A Suicide | 2:30 |
06-18 - A Friend Mourns | 2:04 |
06-19 - His Last Mistake | 2:27 |
06-20 - Satan’s Stealthy Work | 2:40 |
06-21 - One Sin Leads to Another | 2:28 |
06-22 - A King Rebuked | 2:29 |
06-23 - Sin’s Way is Hard | 2:13 |
06-24 - Superficial Beauty | 2:18 |
06-25 - Greatness in Humiliation | 2:24 |
06-26 - A Foolish Wise Man | 2:21 |
06-27 - A Monument of Stones | 2:22 |
06-28 - More Than Money | 2:19 |
06-29 - Growing Old Gracefully | 2:15 |
06-30 - -Last Words | 2:00 |
07-01 - A Contract with God | 2:14 |
07-02 - As a Little Child | 2:21 |
07-03 - Wisdom for the Asking | 2:25 |
07-04 - Wisest Among Men | 2:20 |
07-05 - What an Epitaph | 2:27 |
07-06 - Sold Out | 2:26 |
07-07 - True Riches | 2:25 |
07-08 - At the Crossroads | 2:25 |
07-09 - A Late Awakening | 2:21 |
07-10 - The Voice of Experience | 2:24 |
07-11 - Unsanctified Skill | 2:24 |
07-12 - Praise Where it Belongs | 2:25 |
07-13 - Disgraceful Monuments | 2:36 |
07-14 - All Israel with Him | 2:31 |
07-15 - A Paralyzed Arm | 2:15 |
07-16 - Asa Trusted God | 2:27 |
07-17 - Jezebel’s Blighting Influence | 2:25 |
07-18 - A Voice in the Wilderness | 2:39 |
07-19 - Sharing Her Morsel | 2:22 |
07-20 - More Blessed to Give | 2:35 |
07-21 - Elijah Before Ahab | 2:20 |
07-22 - God’s Heroes | 2:30 |
07-23 - Idolatry Then and Now | 2:19 |
07-24 - Waiting Upon God | 2:20 |
07-25 - Emptied of Self | 2:25 |
07-26 - Overwhelmed by Discouragement | 2:28 |
07-27 - What Doest Thou Here | 2:26 |
07-28 - Elijahs Needed Today | 2:30 |
07-29 - In Moments of Weakness | 2:34 |
07-30 - The Battle is the Lord’s | 2:31 |
07-31 - The Battle Song | 2:23 |
08-01 - Sorcery, Ancient and Modern | 2:31 |
08-02 - The Work Lying Nearest | 2:26 |
08-03 - Why Elisha | 2:26 |
08-04 - All on the Altar | 2:24 |
08-05 - Elijah’s Successor | 2:32 |
08-06 - Pollution and Purification | 2:31 |
08-07 - Rudeness Rebuked | 2:31 |
08-08 - Table in the Wilderness | 2:19 |
08-09 - Even a Child | 2:16 |
08-10 - God’s Ways | 2:31 |
08-11 - No Fiery Chariot | 2:29 |
08-12 - Reluctant Prophet | 2:26 |
08-13 - There is a Limit | 2:26 |
08-14 - Send Me | 2:35 |
08-15 - Humility—True or False | 2:37 |
08-16 - The Living Coal | 2:20 |
08-17 - White Like Snow | 2:34 |
08-18 - For Everyone | 2:20 |
08-19 - Jeremiah, God’s Mouthpiece | 2:22 |
08-20 - The Rechabites | 2:33 |
08-21 - Jehovah’s Honor Vindicated | 2:25 |
08-22 - Divine Healing | 2:27 |
08-23 - What Do They See | 2:21 |
08-24 - Faith and God’s Promises | 2:24 |
08-25 - Too Drunk to Think | 2:13 |
08-26 - For Such a Time as This | 2:11 |
08-27 - Men’s Decrees Versus God’s | 2:29 |
08-28 - Four Boys in Babylon | 2:20 |
08-29 - The Source of Wisdom | 2:26 |
08-30 - No Compromise | 2:18 |
08-31 - Witnessing | 2:22 |
09-01 - Under God’s Control | 2:31 |
09-02 - Babylon’s Leading Citizen | 2:27 |
09-03 - Four in the Furnace | 2:15 |
09-04 - Nebuchadnezzar Humiliated | 2:22 |
09-05 - Daniel, God’s Ambassador | 2:37 |
09-06 - God Sent His Angel | 2:22 |
09-07 - Burden-Sharing | 2:24 |
09-08 - God’s Hand on the Machinery | 2:32 |
09-09 - Obstacles a Test of Faith | 2:13 |
09-10 - Ezra, Student and Teacher | 2:17 |
09-11 - Knowledge Requires Action | 2:25 |
09-12 - God Their Protector | 2:27 |
09-13 - A Holy Purpose | 2:32 |
09-14 - A Man of Action | 2:29 |
09-15 - Let Us Build | 2:33 |
09-16 - Uninvolved | 2:30 |
09-17 - Unholy Alliance | 2:26 |
09-18 - Remember the Poor | 2:27 |
09-19 - I Cannot Come Down | 2:25 |
09-20 - Build—Repair—Restore | 2:33 |
09-21 - One of God’s Great Men | 2:40 |
09-22 - In the Spirit of Elijah | 2:36 |
09-23 - A Straight Message | 2:31 |
09-24 - A Living Sacrifice | 2:39 |
09-25 - Ready to Step Aside | 2:28 |
09-26 - I Must Decrease | 2:22 |
09-27 - What Made Him Great | 2:25 |
09-28 - In Prison for Christ’s Sake | 2:22 |
09-29 - The Highest Honor | 2:27 |
09-30 - A True Witness | 2:27 |
10-01 - Come and See | 2:23 |
10-02 - Under the Fig Tree | 2:35 |
10-03 - Apprenticed to Christ | 2:35 |
10-04 - Follow Me | 2:38 |
10-05 - Publicans Not Excluded | 2:26 |
10-06 - Judas, Self-Seeking Disciple | 2:23 |
10-07 - Without Excuse | 2:25 |
10-08 - Sower of Strife | 2:28 |
10-09 - Unity in Diversity | 2:42 |
10-10 - None were Perfect | 2:23 |
10-11 - Doubts and Questions | 2:26 |
10-12 - Secret Interview | 2:21 |
10-13 - As the Wind Blows | 2:22 |
10-14 - Born Again | 2:29 |
10-15 - Confrontation at Jacob’s Well | 2:21 |
10-16 - From Doubt to Faith | 2:29 |
10-17 - I Am Not Worthy | 2:27 |
10-18 - God Abhors Caste | 2:41 |
10-19 - It has to be Personal | 2:34 |
10-20 - What Lack I | 2:14 |
10-21 - He Failed the Test | 2:23 |
10-22 - He Made Things Right | 2:26 |
10-23 - Rich Man and God | 2:26 |
10-24 - She Gave Her All | 2:36 |
10-25 - Fretting and Fussing | 2:32 |
10-26 - A Gift of Love | 2:35 |
10-27 - The Fragrance Lingers | 2:26 |
10-28 - Nothing Too Costly | 2:18 |
10-29 - Simon’s Change of Heart | 2:31 |
10-30 - Christ Sees Our Possibilities | 2:37 |
10-31 - Peter Looked Back | 2:28 |
11-01 - Peter Speaks Up | 2:33 |
11-02 - Under Satan’s Power | 2:31 |
11-03 - Peter Learned His Lesson | 2:32 |
11-04 - A Fond Mother’s Request | 2:21 |
11-05 - Beloved Disciplet | 2:22 |
11-06 - John and Judas—A Contrast | 2:24 |
11-07 - Enslaved by Money | 2:27 |
11-08 - A Chance for All | 2:23 |
11-09 - Only Jesus Knew | 2:23 |
11-10 - A Slow Student | 2:31 |
11-11 - On Enemy Ground | 2:33 |
11-12 - Converted at Last | 2:17 |
11-13 - Caiaphas | 2:23 |
11-14 - Pilate | 2:33 |
11-15 - The Cross Bearer | 2:28 |
11-16 - Remember Me | 2:22 |
11-17 - Secret Friends No Longer | 2:36 |
11-18 - Thomas the Doubter | 2:21 |
11-19 - Religious Liberty | 2:26 |
11-20 - Mishandling God’s Goods | 2:20 |
11-21 - Martyred for Christ | 2:20 |
11-22 - Just for One Man | 2:16 |
11-23 - The First Dorcas | 2:25 |
11-24 - No National Barriers | 2:27 |
11-25 - To All the World | 2:18 |
11-26 - Angel Protectors | 2:25 |
11-27 - Linked with Heaven | 2:19 |
11-28 - At the Damascus Gate | 2:29 |
11-29 - Saul to Paul | 2:35 |
11-30 - Arabian Interlude | 2:27 |
12-01 - Paul Exalts the Cross | 0:39 |
12-02 - Gospel Tentmaker | 2:30 |
12-03 - Profitable Bonfire | 2:28 |
12-04 - While You are Young | 2:24 |
12-05 - From a Child | 2:23 |
12-06 - All That a Son Could Be | 2:27 |
12-07 - Passing the Torch | 2:34 |
12-08 - This Dropout Made Good | 2:30 |
12-09 - Mark and Demas | 2:22 |
12-10 - Master and Servant | 2:30 |
12-11 - The Race Before Us | 2:24 |
12-12 - A Voice of Gladnesss | 2:27 |
12-13 - Toward the Mark | 2:20 |
12-14 - To Caesar | 2:29 |
12-15 - Divine Bodyguard | 2:26 |
12-16 - A Good Fight | 2:31 |
12-17 - Love One Another | 2:39 |
12-18 - Perils Within and Without | 2:25 |
12-19 - Pure in Heart and Life | 2:17 |
12-20 - Beyond the Gloom to Glory | 2:19 |
12-21 - The Last of the Twelve | 2:32 |
12-22 - Shut Away with God | 2:26 |
12-23 - Keep Your Armor On | 2:24 |
12-24 - Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us | 2:35 |
12-25 - To God be the Glory | 2:33 |
12-26 - Noble Examples | 2:23 |
12-27 - All Things Through Christ | 2:38 |
12-28 - We Need Not Despair | 2:32 |
12-29 - God Remembers His Own | 2:32 |
12-30 - First Things First | 2:28 |
12-31 - God’s Plan for Me | 3:11 |