00 - Introduction | 3:40 |
01 - Christ Before Coming to Earth | 14:41 |
02 - The People Who Should Have Welcomed Him | 6:09 |
03 - Man's Sin and the Fullness of the Time | 9:05 |
04 - Born in a Stable | 7:44 |
05 - Joseph and Mary Dedicate Jesus | 10:09 |
06 - We Have Seen His Star | 11:44 |
07 - The Child Jesus | 9:52 |
08 - The Passover Visit | 10:31 |
09 - Christ's Problems as a Child | 12:14 |
10 - The Voice in the Wilderness | 17:30 |
11 - The Baptism of Jesus | 7:45 |
12 - The Wilderness Temptation | 15:17 |
13 - The Victory | 9:49 |
14 - We Have Found the Messiah | 19:24 |
15 - Jesus Attends a Wedding | 14:14 |
16 - Christ Confronts Corruption in the Temple | 21:38 |
17 - Nicodemus Comes to Jesus at Night | 16:40 |
18 - He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease | 6:25 |
19 - Jesus and the Woman With Five Husbands | 18:07 |
20 - Except Ye See Signs and Wonders | 6:32 |
21 - Bethesda and the Sanhedrin | 22:31 |
22 - The Imprisonment and Death of John | 19:00 |
23 - How Daniel Identified Jesus as the Christ | 8:38 |
24 - Is Not This the Carpenter's Son | 11:13 |
25 - The Call by the Sea | 10:40 |
26 - Busy and Happy Days at Capernaum | 17:52 |
27 - The First Leper to Be Cleansed by Christ | 16:30 |
28 - Matthew--From Tax Collector to Apostle | 16:37 |
29 - Jesus Rescues the Sabbath | 15:20 |
30 - Christ Ordains Twelve Apostles | 12:19 |
31 - The Sermon on the Mount | 24:35 |
32 - An Army Officer Asks Help for His Servant | 8:36 |
33 - How Jesus Related to Family Problems | 12:25 |
34 - His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Light | 8:18 |
35 - The Stilling of the Storm | 15:33 |
36 - The Touch of Faith Brings Healing | 7:37 |
37 - The First Evangelists | 13:34 |
38 - Christ and the Twelve Take a Vacation | 8:33 |
39 - Give Ye Them to Eat | 10:59 |
40 - A Night on the Lake | 10:14 |
41 - The Crisis in Galilee | 22:18 |
42 - Christ Foretells a Great Uprooting | 5:57 |
43 - Christ Breaks Down Racial Barriers | 8:49 |
44 - The True Sign | 11:18 |
45 - The Foreshadowing of the Cross | 19:11 |
46 - Jesus Transfigured | 8:08 |
47 - A Battle With Satan's Spirits | 8:47 |
48 - Who Is the Greatest | 18:46 |
49 - If Any Man Thirst, Let Him Come | 11:20 |
50 - Among Snares | 14:03 |
51 - The Light of Life | 22:38 |
52 - The Divine Shepherd | 9:54 |
53 - The Last Journey From Galilee | 14:44 |
54 - The Good Samaritan | 8:45 |
55 - Not With Outward Show | 6:24 |
56 - Jesus' Love for Children | 8:22 |
57 - The Rich Young Ruler Lacked One Thing | 7:46 |
58 - The Raising of Lazarus | 19:41 |
59 - Priests and Rulers Continue Plotting | 7:41 |
60 - What Is the Highest Position | 7:38 |
61 - The Little Man Who Became Important | 7:21 |
62 - Mary Anoints Jesus | 19:53 |
63 - Jesus Acclaimed as Israel's King | 16:00 |
64 - A Doomed People | 11:17 |
65 - The Temple Cleansed Again | 21:41 |
66 - Christ Confounds His Enemies | 12:11 |
67 - Jesus' Last Visit to the Temple | 18:30 |
68 - When the Greeks Wished to See Jesus | 11:13 |
69 - Signs of the Second Coming of Christ | 18:09 |
70 - Christ Identifies With the Poor and Suffering | 9:00 |
71 - A Servant of Servants | 14:47 |
72 - The Lord's Supper Instituted | 15:34 |
73 - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled | 30:03 |
74 - The Awesome Struggle in Gethsemane | 17:19 |
75 - The Illegal Trial of Jesus | 24:34 |
76 - How Judas Lost His Sou | 11:18 |
77 - Christ's Trial Before the Roman Governor | 30:36 |
78 - Jesus Dies on Calvary | 26:00 |
79 - How Christ's Death Defeated Satan | 14:09 |
80 - Jesus Rests in Joseph's Tomb | 18:05 |
81 - The Lord Is Risen | 9:41 |
82 - Woman, Why Are You Weeping | 9:40 |
83 - The Walk to Emmaus | 7:47 |
84 - The Resurrected Christ Appears | 9:46 |
85 - By the Sea Once More | 11:49 |
86 - Go . . . Teach All Nations | 14:38 |
87 - Christ's Triumphal Entry Into Heaven | 10:11 |