01-01 - The First Coming of Jesus | 2:42 |
01-02 - The Lesson of Bethlehem | 2:07 |
01-03 - When Jesus was Born | 2:09 |
01-04 - The Hope of the Second Coming | 2:09 |
01-05 - The Keynote of Scripture | 2:20 |
01-06 - Faith of the Reformers | 2:24 |
01-07 - The Key to History | 2:05 |
01-08 - Parallel Disappointments | 2:09 |
01-09 - Humble Men Proclaim the Message | 2:27 |
01-10 - The Truth will Triumph | 2:30 |
01-11 - Hastening Our Lord’s Return | 2:14 |
01-12 - Last Warnings of the Third Angel | 2:12 |
01-13 - He shall Reign Forever | 2:28 |
01-14 - The Elijah Prophecy | 2:14 |
01-15 - Uplift Jesus as the Center | 2:20 |
01-16 - The Field is the World | 2:19 |
01-17 - God’s Judgments in the Land | 2:16 |
01-18 - A Better and Nobler Way | 2:30 |
01-19 - When the Loud Cry Sounds | 2:13 |
01-20 - The Faithful Ones will not Fail | 2:18 |
01-21 - Labor to Win Even One Soul | 2:27 |
01-22 - Study Daniel and the Revelation | 2:18 |
01-23 - Intolerance and Persecution | 2:22 |
01-24 - The Church will not Fall | 2:12 |
01-25 - The Counterfeit Revival | 2:30 |
01-26 - Presumptuous, Careless Delay | 2:30 |
01-27 - A Heaven to Win | 2:21 |
01-28 - Blessings Upon the Watchful Ones | 2:28 |
01-29 - Troubles on All Sides | 2:36 |
01-30 - Intercessory Prayers for Souls | 2:23 |
01-31 - To Weep or to Rejoice | 2:19 |
02-01 - Climactic Moment | 2:19 |
02-02 - A High Standard | 2:20 |
02-03 - Weighing Time | 2:25 |
02-04 - Will You Stand the Test | 2:23 |
02-05 - An Infallible Guide | 2:21 |
02-06 - Ready to Answer | 2:28 |
02-07 - The Feast that Satisfies | 2:28 |
02-08 - Moral Independence | 2:32 |
02-09 - Any Idols Here? | 2:35 |
02-10 - Search Your Own Heart | 2:45 |
02-11 - Searching Questions | 2:30 |
02-12 - Dare you be Different | 2:25 |
02-13 - Uproot Every Seed of Doubt | 2:34 |
02-14 - Spiritual Giant or Dwarf | 2:28 |
02-15 - Wise or Foolish | 2:23 |
02-16 - Now—Always Now | 2:33 |
02-17 - The Last Watch | 2:31 |
02-18 - Only One Safe Course | 2:33 |
02-19 - The Faith that Works | 2:34 |
02-20 - Beware of Satan’s Agents | 2:35 |
02-21 - Temptations in Disguise | 2:32 |
02-22 - Why Christ Delays His Coming | 2:25 |
02-23 - A Goal to Reach | 2:30 |
02-24 - No Time to Do the Devil’s Work | 2:28 |
02-25 - Satan’s Last Campaign | 2:44 |
02-26 - Through Heaven’s Gates | 2:37 |
02-27 - The Vision is Sure | 2:43 |
02-28 - A Safe Refuge | 2:20 |
03-01 - A Crisis Ahead | 2:41 |
03-02 - Healing for Sin-Sick Souls | 2:37 |
03-03 - A New Life | 2:52 |
03-04 - Life’s Top Priority | 2:32 |
03-05 - Heaven’s Flawless Pearl | 2:42 |
03-06 - Christ the Only Saviour | 2:38 |
03-07 - Taste for Yourself | 2:44 |
03-08 - Citizens of Heaven | 2:25 |
03-09 - A Fuller | 2:29 |
03-10 - The Highest Kind of Meditation | 2:24 |
03-11 - White Raiment Required | 2:31 |
03-12 - Joy in Obedience | 2:30 |
03-13 - Shaping Up in God’s Workshop | 2:32 |
03-14 - Physical Health and Noble Thinking | 2:36 |
03-15 - The Sowing and Reaping of Life | 2:32 |
03-16 - The Character Heaven Approves | 2:40 |
03-17 - Climbing Peter’s Ladder | 2:34 |
03-18 - The Breath of the Soul | 2:33 |
03-19 - The Secret of Progress | 2:37 |
03-20 - Unwavering Faith | 2:33 |
03-21 - Pure in Heart and Life | 2:35 |
03-22 - Bible Sanctification Defined | 2:37 |
03-23 - Be Alert for Satan’s Devices | 2:34 |
03-24 - Proof Against Every Temptation | 2:38 |
03-25 - Why Probation Lingers | 2:27 |
03-26 - Your Case Coming Up | 2:26 |
03-27 - A Standard you can Trust | 2:23 |
03-28 - The Scriptures Our Safeguard | 2:28 |
03-29 - God’s Pledge of Security | 2:28 |
03-30 - A Deep and Living Experience | 2:37 |
03-31 - “Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready” | 2:27 |
04-01 - Greatest Work in the World | 2:36 |
04-02 - The Message of the Cross | 2:30 |
04-03 - Motivated by Love | 2:42 |
04-04 - The Place to Begin Witnessing | 2:24 |
04-05 - A World in Need | 2:17 |
04-06 - Teaching from House to House | 2:32 |
04-07 - One-to-One Witnessing For | 2:41 |
04-08 - Sound an Alarm | 2:32 |
04-09 - God’s Special Message for Today | 2:23 |
04-10 - A Time for Decision | 2:36 |
04-11 - Living to Save Others | 2:33 |
04-12 - Pathway to Life | 2:30 |
04-13 - In Partnership with Christ | 2:28 |
04-14 - Representatives of the Saviour | 2:26 |
04-15 - A Character the World will Recognize | 2:29 |
04-16 - The Testimony the World Needs | 2:37 |
04-17 - When God Makes Up Deficiencies | 2:28 |
04-18 - Preaching with Power | 2:24 |
04-19 - “Behold the Lamb of God” | 2:34 |
04-20 - God’s Call to Reform | 2:23 |
04-21 - Promote Healthful Living | 2:26 |
04-22 - Virtue of Self-Forgetfulness | 2:37 |
04-23 - The Youth, God’s Instruments | 2:29 |
04-24 - A Work for All Ages | 2:25 |
04-25 - Why so Many Idlers | 2:45 |
04-26 - All Our Treasures for God | 2:34 |
04-27 - A Twofold Life | 2:32 |
04-28 - Mistaken Zeal | 2:39 |
04-29 - A Sure Foundation | 2:25 |
04-30 - Heaven is Waiting for You | 2:37 |
05-01 - God will Guide His People | 2:14 |
05-02 - Satan Redoubles His Efforts | 2:13 |
05-03 - Momentous Struggle Before Us | 2:11 |
05-04 - Wresting the Scriptures | 2:28 |
05-05 - False Theories About | 2:27 |
05-06 - The Perils of False Science | 2:25 |
05-07 - A Masterpiece of Satan’s Deceptions | 2:25 |
05-08 - The Times and Seasons | 2:05 |
05-09 - “As it was in the Days of Noah” | 2:24 |
05-10 - A Great Terror Soon to Come | 2:29 |
05-11 - Youth and the Drug Syndrome | 2:30 |
05-12 - External Parade of Heathen Power | 2:33 |
05-13 - Turmoil in the Cities | 2:33 |
05-14 - Prejudice on the Increase | 2:33 |
05-15 - The Lust for Nakedness | 2:33 |
05-16 - The Criers of Peace | 2:26 |
05-17 - Sights and Sounds and Criminality | 2:32 |
05-18 - Spiritism and Revolution | 2:32 |
05-19 - Beware of Man-Made Test | 2:25 |
05-20 - Healing can be from the Devil | 2:31 |
05-21 - The Violent Earth | 2:36 |
05-22 - Signs in the Heavens | 2:33 |
05-23 - The Stars of Heaven Fall | 2:38 |
05-24 - Ottoman Empire in Prophecy | 2:36 |
05-25 - Low State of Morals | 2:23 |
05-26 - Fanaticism and Tongues Speaking | 2:35 |
05-27 - Prove All Things | 2:35 |
05-28 - Counterfeits | 2:32 |
05-29 - Watch Out for the Dividers | 2:23 |
05-30 - The Results of False Visions | 2:34 |
05-31 - Moving into Line | 2:34 |
06-01 - Coming Events Clearly Revealed | 2:34 |
06-02 - Preparation for what Lies Ahead | 2:28 |
06-03 - Satan’s Groundwork for the Final Conflict | 2:31 |
06-04 - The Devil’s Strategy Against Sabbathkeeper | 2:33 |
06-05 - The Image to the Beast Set Up | 2:28 |
06-06 - Apostasy Prepares the Way | 2:31 |
06-07 - Spiritualism’s Role in Deception | 2:29 |
06-08 - The Spirits and the Sunday Law Issue | 2:24 |
06-09 - The False Revival | 2:22 |
06-10 - How the Image to the Beast Evolves | 2:32 |
06-11 - The Sabbath Proclaimed More Fully | 2:25 |
06-12 - Second Angel’s Message to be Repeated | 2:37 |
06-13 - Sabbath vs Sunday Issue Joins | 2:39 |
06-14 - Symbolism of the Three Angels’ Messages | 2:31 |
06-15 - Armed Conflict in the Last Days | 2:37 |
06-16 - Troublous Times Right Upon Us | 2:39 |
06-17 - Calamities Blamed on God’s People | 2:31 |
06-18 - Wisdom Needed by Sabbathkeepers | 2:24 |
06-19 - Sunday Missionary Work | 2:43 |
06-20 - God’s Law Made Void in America | 2:40 |
06-21 - The Sign to Leave Large Cities | 2:33 |
06-22 - Food and Lands in the Last Days | 2:36 |
06-23 - Labor Unions and Trusts | 2:27 |
06-24 - Forbidden to Buy or Sell | 2:20 |
06-25 - Work the Cities from Outposts | 2:25 |
06-26 - Relief of Physical Suffering | 2:50 |
06-27 - The Sunday Law is Invoked | 2:28 |
06-28 - Protestantism Unites with the Papacy | 2:41 |
06-29 - Two Great Classes of Christians | 2:32 |
06-30 - Confusion of Many Voices | 2:33 |
07-01 - The Threefold Union of Religion | 2:34 |
07-02 - Satan and the Threefold Union | 2:28 |
07-03 - The Corruption of Truth | 2:42 |
07-04 - The United States in Prophecy | 2:19 |
07-05 - Persecution by Protestants and Catholics | 2:19 |
07-06 - Persecuted for Christ’s Sake | 2:26 |
07-07 - Former Brethren Worst Persecutors | 2:17 |
07-08 - Betrayed by Friends and Relatives | 2:27 |
07-09 - Under Threat of Death | 2:29 |
07-10 - Martyrs in the Last Days | 2:17 |
07-11 - The Shaking Time | 2:25 |
07-12 - A View of the Shaking | 2:18 |
07-13 - Unity and Separation | 2:28 |
07-14 - The Church Appears About to Fall | 2:32 |
07-15 - The Purification of the Church | 2:37 |
07-16 - Satan Personates Christ - I | 2:36 |
07-17 - Satan Personates Christ - II | 2:22 |
07-18 - Satanic Miracles - I | 2:30 |
07-19 - Satanic Miracles - II | 2:17 |
07-20 - God’s People Brought to the Test | 2:31 |
07-21 - Sights of a Supernatural Character | 2:27 |
07-22 - The Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast | 2:19 |
07-23 - The Sealing and the Latter Rain | 2:23 |
07-24 - The Remnant and the Sealing | 2:40 |
07-25 - All Nations Follow America’s Lead | 2:25 |
07-26 - The Beginning of the End | 2:26 |
07-27 - National Ruin Follows National Apostasy | 2:40 |
07-28 - The World Against God’s People | 2:32 |
07-29 - The Angel of Revelation 18 | 2:36 |
07-30 - The Early and the Latter Rain | 2:31 |
07-31 - High Time to Awake | 2:34 |
08-01 - “In These Hours of Probation” | 2:42 |
08-02 - The Substance of Moral Character | 2:39 |
08-03 - Character a Quality of the Soul | 2:23 |
08-04 - Christ Our Helper and Redeemer | 2:39 |
08-05 - High Spiritual State Attainable | 2:33 |
08-06 - Reaching the Height of Christian Perfection | 2:38 |
08-07 - Perfection in the Human Sphere | 2:45 |
08-08 - Honorable in Motive and Action | 2:42 |
08-09 - Overcoming Bad Habits | 2:43 |
08-10 - Sanctification of the Whole Man | 2:39 |
08-11 - In Harmony with His Law | 2:48 |
08-12 - Counterfeit Sanctification | 2:34 |
08-13 - Impressions, Feelings, and Drugs | 2:29 |
08-14 - Drums, Dancing and Noise | 2:35 |
08-15 - No Room for Boasting | 2:45 |
08-16 - Salvation Day by Day | 2:32 |
08-17 - The Meaning of Conversion | 2:39 |
08-18 - Sanctification is for Sabbathkeepers | 2:36 |
08-19 - Sound the Note of Alarm | 2:37 |
08-20 - The Pure Mark of Truth | 2:29 |
08-21 - Who Receive the Seal | 2:21 |
08-22 - Time of Sealing Soon Over | 2:31 |
08-23 - Angels can Read God’s Mark | 2:26 |
08-24 - A Sign that Distinguishes God’s People | 2:21 |
08-25 - Importance and Glory of the Sabbath | 2:35 |
08-26 - The Sabbath is God’s Mark | 2:41 |
08-27 - Study the Subject of the Sanctuary | 2:40 |
08-28 - Cleansing of the Sanctuary | 2:29 |
08-29 - Instruction from the Sanctuary in Heaven | 2:41 |
08-30 - Judging the Cases of the Living | 2:15 |
08-31 - The Investigative Judgment | 2:14 |
09-01 - Standing Before Courts and Councils | 2:27 |
09-02 - Witnessing Before the Great Men of the Earth | 2:24 |
09-03 - Prepare to Meet Thy God | 2:20 |
09-04 - Promise of Divine Help | 2:21 |
09-05 - Another Pentecost Coming | 2:34 |
09-06 - The Battle of Armageddon Joins | 2:38 |
09-07 - Future Events Come in Order | 2:38 |
09-08 - A Little Time of Peace | 2:33 |
09-09 - The Peace and Safety Cry | 2:39 |
09-10 - God’s Work is Finished | 2:33 |
09-11 - God Intervenes on Behalf of His People | 2:37 |
09-12 - Human Probation Closes | 2:31 |
09-13 - Close of Probation Passes Unnoticed | 2:34 |
09-14 - A Time of Trouble Such as Never Was | 2:28 |
09-15 - The Four Winds Loosed | 2:29 |
09-16 - Seven Last Plagues Begin to Fall | 2:44 |
09-17 - The Death Decree Issued | 2:29 |
09-18 - Marked for Death | 2:36 |
09-19 - Angelic Protection in the Time of Trouble | 2:35 |
09-20 - The Wicked During the Plagues | 2:29 |
09-21 - The Time of Jacob’s Trouble | 2:38 |
09-22 - Why the Time of Trouble | 2:34 |
09-23 - God’s Eye is Upon His People Shall not | 2:36 |
09-24 - The Great Time of Trouble | 2:51 |
09-25 - The Crowning Act of Deception | 2:50 |
09-26 - No Martyrs After Probation Closes | 2:36 |
09-27 - God’s People Delivered | 2:28 |
09-28 - Midnight Deliverance | 2:33 |
09-29 - God Overturns Nature | 2:24 |
09-30 - The Special Resurrection | 2:24 |
10-01 - The Special Resurrection of the Unjust | 2:36 |
10-02 - The Elements Melt with Fervent Heat | 2:38 |
10-03 - A Graphic Illustration of the Seventh Plague | 2:26 |
10-04 - The Earth Flees from its Maker Therefore | 2:29 |
10-05 - God’s Law Appears in the Heavens | 2:28 |
10-06 - The Day and Hour of Christ’s Coming Announced | 2:17 |
10-07 - Gleams of the Golden Morning | 2:37 |
10-08 - The Second Coming of Christ | 2:26 |
10-09 - In the Dens and Caves of the Earth | 2:26 |
10-10 - Christ’s Appearance at His Second Coming | 2:39 |
10-11 - Judgment at the Second Advent | 2:24 |
10-12 - They that Pierced Him | 2:35 |
10-13 - The Wicked Slay Each Other | 2:29 |
10-14 - The Wrath of the Lamb | 2:37 |
10-15 - God Intervenes in Armageddon | 2:23 |
10-16 - The Nature of the Final Battle | 2:29 |
10-17 - Be Ye Also Ready | 2:26 |
10-18 - The General Resurrection of the Righteous | 2:16 |
10-19 - Victory of the Sleeping Saints | 2:19 |
10-20 - Mysteries of the Resurrection For | 2:20 |
10-21 - Life Eternal Begins Now | 2:38 |
10-22 - We shall Recognize Each Other | 2:48 |
10-23 - The Blessed Hope | 2:48 |
10-24 - Translation of the Righteous | 2:40 |
10-25 - The Earth Depopulated | 2:34 |
10-26 - Satan is Bound | 2:39 |
10-27 - Families will be Reunited | 2:28 |
10-28 - Crowns Being Prepared for the Faithful | 2:28 |
10-29 - A Crown for Every Child of God | 2:27 |
10-30 - Our Redemption Draweth Nigh | 2:31 |
10-31 - His Reward is with Him | 2:25 |
11-01 - The Captivity of Satan and His Angels | 2:41 |
11-02 - We shall Meet Our Guardian Angels | 2:14 |
11-03 - Welcome to the City of God | 2:34 |
11-04 - Unspeakable Gladness | 2:30 |
11-05 - The Gratitude of the Redeemed | 2:16 |
11-06 - Heaven is Cheap Enough | 2:39 |
11-07 - Home at Last | 2:26 |
11-08 - Surprises When We Get to Heaven | 2:29 |
11-09 - Satisfying Answers | 2:36 |
11-10 - Set Your Affections on Things Above | 2:27 |
11-11 - The Reward of the Redeemed Above | 2:26 |
11-12 - Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard | 2:37 |
11-13 - Life-Giving Fruit | 2:49 |
11-14 - The Bow-Circled Throne | 2:40 |
11-15 - We Shall See the King | 2:34 |
11-16 - The One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand | 2:29 |
11-17 - The Great Multitude of the Redeemed | 2:37 |
11-18 - The Soul Winner’s Reward | 2:22 |
11-19 - Think on Heavenly Things | 2:25 |
11-20 - The Glories of the Heavenly World | 2:34 |
11-21 - Look at Things Eternal | 2:36 |
11-22 - Blessed are they that Wash their Robes | 2:23 |
11-23 - The Millennial Judgment | 2:35 |
11-24 - Christ Again Returns to the Earth | 2:33 |
11-25 - Satan Loosed from His Prison | 2:29 |
11-26 - The Wicked Prepare to Attack the New Jerusalem | 2:35 |
11-27 - The Last Judgment | 2:20 |
11-28 - Every Work will be Brought into Judgment | 2:08 |
11-29 - Christ is Judge | 2:29 |
11-30 - Rewards and Punishments | 2:31 |
12-01 - The Panoramic Scene Above the Holy City | 2:32 |
12-02 - Historical Persons Present at the Judgment | 2:25 |
12-03 - The Wicked Acknowledge God’s Justice | 2:34 |
12-04 - God’s Character Vindicated | 2:34 |
12-05 - Sin and Sinners Destroyed | 2:23 |
12-06 - Only One Reminder of Sin | 2:25 |
12-07 - We Belong to the Royal Family | 2:40 |
12-08 - Satisfying Employment | 2:33 |
12-09 - The New Heavens and the New Earth | 2:33 |
12-10 - No More Death—Ever | 2:36 |
12-11 - Inheritance of the Saved | 2:32 |
12-12 - Garden of Eden Restored | 2:33 |
12-13 - Glories of the Eternal World | 2:25 |
12-14 - At Home in the New Jerusalem | 2:29 |
12-15 - The Immortal Inheritance | 2:36 |
12-16 - The Church Triumphant | 2:25 |
12-17 - Unexpected Recompense | 2:32 |
12-18 - New Earth Activities | 2:15 |
12-19 - Incomparable Music | 2:30 |
12-20 - Our Saviour’s Highest Honor | 2:35 |
12-21 - The School of the Hereafter | 2:29 |
12-22 - Christ will be Our Teacher | 2:28 |
12-23 - Our Study in Ages to Come | 2:30 |
12-24 - Inexhaustible Themes | 2:47 |
12-25 - The Universe Our Field of Study | 2:35 |
12-26 - Worlds Upon Worlds to be Visited | 2:26 |
12-27 - Speculations Concerning the New Earth | 2:13 |
12-28 - Christ’s Kingdom of Love | 2:27 |
12-29 - The Sabbath in the Hereafter | 2:28 |
12-30 - Eternal Security | 2:41 |
12-31 - What Eternity Holds for the Redeemed | 3:23 |