01-01 - The Way of Righteousness Is Life | 2:17 |
01-02 - I Consecrate My All | 2:23 |
01-03 - I Give My Heart | 2:15 |
01-04 - Ask in Faith | 2:19 |
01-05 - All Things Are Possible | 2:11 |
01-06 - Have Faith in God | 2:18 |
01-07 - One with God Through Faith | 2:21 |
01-08 - Doubting Nothing | 2:20 |
01-09 - The Touch of Faith | 2:32 |
01-10 - God Shall Supply My Need | 2:20 |
01-11 - Pray in the Morning | 2:25 |
01-12 - Prayer Never Out of Place | 2:07 |
01-13 - Pray Always | 2:20 |
01-14 - Power in Prayer | 2:24 |
01-15 - Find God Through Prayer | 2:23 |
01-16 - Examples of Prayer Life | 2:14 |
01-17 - Mother's Prayers | 2:06 |
01-18 - Search the Scriptures | 2:11 |
01-19 - The Bible Stands without a Peer | 2:20 |
01-20 - The Bible Begets New Life | 2:18 |
01-21 - My Counsellor and Guide | 2:08 |
01-22 - Food for My Soul | 2:29 |
01-23 - My Light | 2:22 |
01-24 - A Treasure in My Heart | 2:04 |
01-25 - Morning and Evening Worship | 2:10 |
01-26 - Teach Them Diligently | 2:23 |
01-27 - Bow Before God | 2:05 |
01-28 - Confess Your Faults One to Another | 2:30 |
01-29 - Worship God and Be at Peace | 2:03 |
01-30 - Timothy's Life a Result of Family Religion | 2:21 |
01-31 - Abraham Built an Altar Wherever He Went | 2:22 |
02-01 - God's Gift of the Spirit | 2:11 |
02-02 - To Every One Is Given a Gift | 2:17 |
02-03 - For the Perfecting of the Saints | 2:24 |
02-04 - For the Unity of the Saints | 2:15 |
02-05 - Truth Revealed by God's Prophets | 2:12 |
02-06 - The Spirit of Prophecy—A Gift for Me | 2:18 |
02-07 - Believe and Prosper | 2:17 |
02-08 - To Convict Me of Sin | 2:19 |
02-09 - To Enlighten My Understanding | 2:11 |
02-10 - To Bring All Things to My Remembrance | 2:06 |
02-11 - To Transform My Character | 2:23 |
02-12 - To Endow Me with Power from Above | 2:19 |
02-13 - To Raise a Standard Against the Enemy | 2:09 |
02-14 - To Glorify Christ in Me | 2:05 |
02-15 - Love | 2:14 |
02-16 - Joy and Peace | 2:19 |
02-17 - Long-Suffering | 2:08 |
02-18 - Gentleness | 2:12 |
02-19 - Goodness | 2:06 |
02-20 - Faith | 2:23 |
02-21 - Meekness | 2:12 |
02-22 - The Promise of Power | 2:10 |
02-23 - Preparing for Power | 2:14 |
02-24 - Tarrying for Power | 2:16 |
02-25 - Receiving the Power | 2:08 |
02-26 - Witnessing With Power | 2:10 |
02-27 - I Want That Power | 2:19 |
02-28 - The Whole Earth Will Be Lightened | 2:16 |
03-01 - Esther | 2:09 |
03-02 - Paul | 2:17 |
03-03 - Joseph | 2:24 |
03-04 - Stephen, the First Martyr | 2:19 |
03-05 - Three Hebrew Worthies | 2:14 |
03-06 - Youth Today | 2:01 |
03-07 - Modern Heroes | 1:59 |
03-08 - Love Not the World | 2:18 |
03-09 - Purity in This Corrupt Age | 2:18 |
03-10 - Choose the Way of Truth | 2:17 |
03-11 - Christ's Adherence to Principle | 2:19 |
03-12 - Daniel Lived by Principle | 2:09 |
03-13 - Joseph, a Man of Principle | 2:14 |
03-14 - Principle Not to Be Sacrificed for Peace | 2:14 |
03-15 - I Keep My Body in Subjection | 2:11 |
03-16 - I Live by God's Rules | 2:11 |
03-17 - I Will Love as Christ Loved | 2:14 |
03-18 - I Will Set a Watch Over My Lips | 2:10 |
03-19 - I Will Use Self-Control in Eating | 2:05 |
03-20 - I Will Be Master of My Mind | 2:17 |
03-21 - I Will Be a Christian at Home | 2:12 |
03-22 - I Will Keep the Door of My Heart | 2:15 |
03-23 - I Will Set No Wicked Thing Before Mine Eyes | 2:16 |
03-24 - I Will Seek the Good, That I May Live | 2:07 |
03-25 - I Will Tune My Ear to Heaven | 2:21 |
03-26 - I Will Love Good Books | 2:09 |
03-27 - I Will Keep a Song in My Heart | 2:11 |
03-28 - I Will Sing Unto the Lord | 2:07 |
03-29 - God Permits Trial and Affliction to Purify Me | 2:28 |
03-30 - God Has a Purpose in Every Affliction | 2:24 |
03-31 - God Gives Power to Bear Every Trial | 2:30 |
04-01 - The Ladder of Christian Progress | 2:20 |
04-02 - Add to Your Faith Virtue, and to Virtue Knowledge | 2:20 |
04-03 - Add to Temperance Patience | 2:03 |
04-04 - Add to Godliness Brotherly Kindness and Charity | 2:15 |
04-05 - The Grace of God is for Me | 2:21 |
04-06 - The Exceeding Riches of His Grace | 2:33 |
04-07 - I Must Grow in Grace | 2:09 |
04-08 - Growth in Grace Begins at Home | 2:01 |
04-09 - How to Grow in Grace | 2:29 |
04-10 - The Path of the Christian Leads to Heaven | 2:16 |
04-11 - O God! Help Me to Higher Levels | 2:17 |
04-12 - The Beginning of Wisdom | 2:08 |
04-13 - Wisdom Giveth Life | 2:11 |
04-14 - How to Gain Knowledge | 2:28 |
04-15 - Keep Sound Wisdom and Discretion | 2:18 |
04-16 - Wisdom for My Work | 1:54 |
04-17 - Wisdom Shown by My Conversation | 2:18 |
04-18 - Nature, the Key to Unlock Treasure House of God's Word | 2:08 |
04-19 - He Multiplies My Talents | 2:11 |
04-20 - The Talent of Speech | 2:06 |
04-21 - The Talent of Time | 2:11 |
04-22 - The Talent of Money | 2:10 |
04-23 - Strength is a Talent | 2:03 |
04-24 - God Gives Me Power to Do Good | 2:01 |
04-25 - Affections and Impulses Are Precious Talents | 2:11 |
04-26 - Be Strong and Courageous | 2:18 |
04-27 - Be an Example to Fellow Believers | 2:17 |
04-28 - A Saving Influence Over Associates and Unbelievers | 2:10 |
04-29 - The Influence of a Meek and Quiet Spirit | 2:17 |
04-30 - The Influence of a Christian Family | 2:03 |
05-01 - My Body Belongs to God | 2:03 |
05-02 - Man Created in God's Image | 2:00 |
05-03 - My Wonderful Body | 2:12 |
05-04 - God Made Man Upright | 2:13 |
05-05 - Cleanliness | 2:10 |
05-06 - Exercise | 2:05 |
05-07 - Industry | 2:06 |
05-08 - A Nutritious Diet | 2:15 |
05-09 - Rest | 2:17 |
05-10 - Preserve the Body Temple | 2:15 |
05-11 - Prosper and Be in Health | 2:15 |
05-12 - Outdoor Activity | 2:30 |
05-13 - The Air We Breath | 2:30 |
05-14 - Sunlight | 2:06 |
05-15 - Water | 2:15 |
05-16 - Enjoy God's Created Works | 2:29 |
05-17 - Do All to the Glory of God | 2:30 |
05-18 - Temperate in Labor | 2:22 |
05-19 - Do Not Turn Day Into Night | 2:12 |
05-20 - Temperate in Study | 2:22 |
05-21 - Appropriate Attire | 2:20 |
05-22 - Regularity in Eating | 2:23 |
05-23 - Daniel an Example in Temperance | 2:41 |
05-24 - The Body Is to be Servant of the Mind | 2:23 |
05-25 - Security in Christ Improves Health | 2:10 |
05-26 - Peace Through a Consciousness of Rightdoing | 2:08 |
05-27 - A Merry Heart Is Good Medicine | 2:17 |
05-28 - Kind Acts and Pleasant Words Promote Health | 2:13 |
05-29 - Health and Happiness | 2:35 |
05-30 - Forgiveness of Sin Brings Healing | 2:46 |
05-31 - A Prescription for Healing of All Ills | 2:30 |
06-01 - Remember Your Creator in Your Youth | 2:25 |
06-02 - Christ Within the Source of Happiness | 2:13 |
06-03 - No Real Joy Apart From Christ | 2:27 |
06-04 - Wisdom and Understanding Bring Happiness | 2:28 |
06-05 - The Bible Shows the Way to True Happiness | 2:33 |
06-06 - The Happiest People in the World | 2:26 |
06-07 - Obedience | 2:32 |
06-08 - Delight to Do God's Will | 2:26 |
06-09 - Willing and Obedient | 2:08 |
06-10 - The Golden Rule | 2:21 |
06-11 - Rejoice and Do Good | 2:26 |
06-12 - Patient Continuance in Well-Doing | 2:21 |
06-13 - Being Good and Doing Good | 2:28 |
06-14 - Contentment | 2:12 |
06-15 - Gratitude | 2:28 |
06-16 - Thanksgiving and Praise | 2:37 |
06-17 - Faithful in the Little Things of Life | 2:27 |
06-18 - Loving Thoughtfulness in the Home | 2:14 |
06-19 - Sing and the World Sings with You | 2:29 |
06-20 - The Beauties of Nature | 2:30 |
06-21 - Peace and Assurance | 2:30 |
06-22 - A Merry Heart Makes a Cheerful Countenance | 2:24 |
06-23 - Kindness the Mark of a Christian | 2:29 |
06-24 - Love Heals Many Wounds | 2:32 |
06-25 - Say Nothing That Will Wound or Grieve | 2:44 |
06-26 - Perfect Peace | 2:32 |
06-27 - Trust Means Security | 2:37 |
06-28 - Weep Not | 2:23 |
06-29 - Fear Not | 2:32 |
06-30 - Doubt Not | 2:41 |
07-01 - Jesus an Example in Social Relationships | 2:33 |
07-02 - Love People as Christ Loved Them | 2:20 |
07-03 - Love Friend and Foe Alike | 2:40 |
07-04 - Be Sympathetic to All Men | 2:34 |
07-05 - How Pleasant Are Words Fitly Spoken | 2:44 |
07-06 - True Refinement | 2:29 |
07-07 - Christian Courtesy | 2:38 |
07-08 - Thoughtful of Others | 2:27 |
07-09 - Hospitality | 2:27 |
07-10 - Cheerfulness | 2:12 |
07-11 - Kind Speech | 2:27 |
07-12 - Children Love Mother's Companionship | 2:17 |
07-13 - Father's Heart Turned to His Children | 2:26 |
07-14 - Happy Companionship Together | 2:16 |
07-15 - Hold the Family Together by Affection | 2:34 |
07-16 - Make the Home a Blessing to Others | 2:43 |
07-17 - The Home Should Be a Refuge for the Youth | 2:26 |
07-18 - Let Visitors Join in Family Worship | 2:46 |
07-19 - To Have Friends We Must Be Friendly | 2:29 |
07-20 - Righteousness Enriches Life | 2:16 |
07-21 - Take a Day in the Country | 2:25 |
07-22 - Visiting with One Another | 2:29 |
07-23 - Jesus and His Friends at Bethany | 2:35 |
07-24 - The Friendship Between Paul and Timothy | 2:39 |
07-25 - Jonathan and David | 2:20 |
07-26 - Recreation Refreshes and Invigorates | 2:36 |
07-27 - No One Lives to Himself | 2:25 |
07-28 - God Gives Us the Good | 2:19 |
07-29 - Walk in the Way of Good Men | 2:30 |
07-30 - Walk Not in the Way With Sinners | 2:30 |
07-31 - Associate With Those Who Love God | 2:30 |
08-01 - God Makes Me Perfect in Every Good Work | 2:42 |
08-02 - Be Zealous of Good Works | 2:39 |
08-03 - Work Diligently for God | 2:26 |
08-04 - Let Your Light Shine | 2:34 |
08-05 - Abound in Love at Home and Abroad | 2:24 |
08-06 - A Little Maid Witnesses for God | 2:29 |
08-07 - God Supplies the Resources | 2:47 |
08-08 - Restore the Old Paths | 2:32 |
08-09 - Jesus Came to Serve | 2:44 |
08-10 - Relieve Suffering Humanity | 2:21 |
08-11 - Give Men and Women the Water of Life | 2:32 |
08-12 - Work for the Children | 2:38 |
08-13 - Work for Prominent Men and Women | 2:47 |
08-14 - Work for the Needy | 2:44 |
08-15 - Do Good on the Sabbath | 2:26 |
08-16 - Who is My Neighbor | 2:30 |
08-17 - Speak the Truth to My Neighbor | 2:29 |
08-18 - Save Myself by Saving Others | 2:41 |
08-19 - Be Kind and Tenderhearted | 2:36 |
08-20 - Have an Understanding Heart | 2:29 |
08-21 - Be Full of Compassion | 2:31 |
08-22 - Sing and Pray With My Neighbors | 2:22 |
08-23 - Visit Fatherless and Widows | 2:29 |
08-24 - Deal My Bread to the Hungry | 2:25 |
08-25 - Clothe the Naked | 2:32 |
08-26 - Relieve the Oppressed | 2:43 |
08-27 - Be Eyes to the Blind; Feet to the Lame | 2:15 |
08-28 - A Father to the Poor | 2:31 |
08-29 - Remember Especially Needy Church Members | 2:33 |
08-30 - My Spirituality Strengthened and Health Improves | 2:48 |
08-31 - I May Shine as the Stars for Ever and Ever | 2:39 |
09-01 - Wholly Sanctified, Body, Soul, and Spirit | 2:53 |
09-02 - A Practical Example of Sanctification | 2:52 |
09-03 - Sanctified Through Obedience | 2:44 |
09-04 - The Fruits of Sanctification | 2:41 |
09-05 - Christ Sanctified Himself for Me | 2:53 |
09-06 - Meek Men and Women | 2:36 |
09-07 - Daniel's Life of Temperance | 2:35 |
09-08 - Enoch's Life of Holiness | 2:36 |
09-09 - Steadfast Integrity of the Three Hebrews | 2:52 |
09-10 - John's Love and Loyalty | 2:46 |
09-11 - Lives of John and Judas Contrasted | 2:29 |
09-12 - The Lord Sanctifies Sabbathkeepers | 2:39 |
09-13 - Christ is the Truth | 2:41 |
09-14 - Truth Sanctifies | 2:17 |
09-15 - Truth Elevates | 2:42 |
09-16 - Truth Purifies | 2:37 |
09-17 - Truth Enlightens | 2:41 |
09-18 - Truth Transforms | 2:59 |
09-19 - Truth Will Triumph Gloriously | 2:37 |
09-20 - The Work of a Lifetime | 2:26 |
09-21 - Characters Polished After the Similitude of a Palace | 2:42 |
09-22 - Righteous Shall Live Forever | 2:44 |
09-23 - God Loves Most a Beautiful Character | 2:39 |
09-24 - Perfection, the Goal to Be Gained | 2:43 |
09-25 - Clothed in the Robe of Righteousness | 2:27 |
09-26 - Saints Shall Possess the Kingdom | 2:30 |
09-27 - Partakers Through God's Promises | 3:00 |
09-28 - Christ Dwells in Me | 2:49 |
09-29 - Dwell Together in Unity | 2:51 |
09-30 - Strength From Above | 2:39 |
10-01 - Respect For Parents | 2:31 |
10-02 - Respect for the Aged | 2:49 |
10-03 - Respect for Authority | 2:45 |
10-04 - Reverence for God | 2:37 |
10-05 - Reverence for God's Name | 2:26 |
10-06 - Reverence for the Word of God | 2:35 |
10-07 - Reverence in the Home | 2:35 |
10-08 - Reverence for God's Representatives | 2:56 |
10-09 - Reverence for the House of God | 2:36 |
10-10 - Reverence for the Sabbath | 2:27 |
10-11 - He Is a Living God | 2:39 |
10-12 - God Is My Father | 2:34 |
10-13 - God Is With Me | 2:36 |
10-14 - God Sees Me | 2:31 |
10-15 - God Cares for Me | 2:40 |
10-16 - God is All in All | 2:44 |
10-17 - God in Nature | 2:36 |
10-18 - Abundant Life in Christ | 2:42 |
10-19 - Christ Is My Perfect Example | 2:51 |
10-20 - Christ My Elder Brother | 2:51 |
10-21 - Jesus as a Youth | 2:41 |
10-22 - Christ Was Obedient | 2:48 |
10-23 - Christ Tempted as We Are | 2:42 |
10-24 - Christ in Me the Hope of Glory | 2:29 |
10-25 - My Guardian Angel | 2:36 |
10-26 - Angels in My Daily Life | 2:23 |
10-27 - Angels Join Me in Soul Winning | 2:49 |
10-28 - Angels Employ My Hands to Do His Work | 3:01 |
10-29 - Peter Delivered by an Angel | 2:37 |
10-30 - Angels Are Preparing Me for Eternity | 2:34 |
10-31 - Angels Holding the Four Winds | 2:41 |
11-01 - Put on the Whole Armor of God | 2:36 |
11-02 - Loins Girt About with Truth | 2:33 |
11-03 - The Breastplate of Righteousness | 2:42 |
11-04 - Feet Shod with Gospel of Peace | 2:26 |
11-05 - The Shield of Faith | 2:38 |
11-06 - The Helmet of Salvation | 2:44 |
11-07 - The Sword of the Spirit | 2:24 |
11-08 - In Christ There is Strength | 2:36 |
11-09 - Through Christ There is Victory | 2:25 |
11-10 - The Will is the Deciding Power | 2:42 |
11-11 - First Victories Won in the Home | 2:24 |
11-12 - Be Steadfast, Unmovable | 2:28 |
11-13 - Walk in the Light | 2:25 |
11-14 - Hold Fast | 2:19 |
11-15 - Christ's Victory as Complete as Adam's Failure | 2:35 |
11-16 - Christ Overcame the World | 2:41 |
11-17 - Christians in All Ages Have Overcome | 2:42 |
11-18 - Paul's Shout of Victory | 2:41 |
11-19 - Jeremiah's Declaration of Thanksgiving | 2:47 |
11-20 - Job Knew That His Redeemer Lived | 2:15 |
11-21 - None Greater Than John the Baptist | 2:27 |
11-22 - With Honesty | 2:36 |
11-23 - With Truthfulness | 2:53 |
11-24 - With Humility | 2:30 |
11-25 - With Liberality | 2:38 |
11-26 - With Love | 2:34 |
11-27 - With Christlike Words and Deeds | 2:28 |
11-28 - With Peace | 2:43 |
11-29 - Not One Word of His Promise Has Failed | 2:42 |
11-30 - God's Promises Are for Me | 2:24 |
12-01 - Make Your Calling and Election Sure | 2:35 |
12-02 - Keep the Commandments | 2:35 |
12-03 - Walk With God Continually | 2:24 |
12-04 - Walk by Faith | 2:19 |
12-05 - Be Ready and Waiting | 2:42 |
12-06 - God's People Delivered | 2:40 |
12-07 - Christ Himself Comes for Us | 2:36 |
12-08 - Christ's Coronation Day | 2:32 |
12-09 - Christ Presents Me With a Crown and Harp | 2:37 |
12-10 - Given a White Robe of Righteousness | 2:33 |
12-11 - Victory Over Death | 2:45 |
12-12 - No More Sin | 2:41 |
12-13 - As Heirs, We Inherit the Kingdom | 2:24 |
12-14 - Families Will Be Reunited | 2:31 |
12-15 - We Shall Recognize Each Other | 2:38 |
12-16 - A Beautiful Country | 2:40 |
12-17 - Eat of the Tree of Life | 2:31 |
12-18 - At the Marriage Supper | 2:11 |
12-19 - The Glories of Our Heavenly Home | 2:39 |
12-20 - Labor for Pleasure and Enjoyment | 2:38 |
12-21 - Harmonious Social Life | 2:27 |
12-22 - Study God's Wisdom Throughout Eternity | 2:43 |
12-23 - Christ Will Teach the Redeemed | 2:41 |
12-24 - Travel to Worlds Afar | 2:45 |
12-25 - Listen to the Angel Choir | 2:38 |
12-26 - Worship Together | 2:32 |
12-27 - Privilege of Open Communion With God | 2:17 |
12-28 - The Veil Will Be Drawn Aside | 2:39 |
12-29 - I Shall Meet My Guardian Angel | 2:27 |
12-30 - Why the Great Controversy Was Permitted | 2:33 |
12-31 - I Press Toward the Mark | 2:35 |