Parousia Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Faithfulness of Abraham or God?

Parousia Second Coming of Jesus Christ- The Faithfulness of Abraham or God?

Abraham is called the “father of the faithful.” This identification is true, not because Abraham was always faithful, but he is still is regarded as the the “father of the faithful,” because his experience is so reflective of the experiences of so many of us – sometimes strong in faith, sometimes failing and putting Christ “to an open shame.”

Abraham’s “faith” was erratic, as is ours far too often. His story does not read like Daniel’s, or Enoch’s, or Jeremiah’s faith. And yet we see in Abraham our experience, our presumption, and our self-interested version of faith.

The true hero in Abraham’s story is God. The truly faithful one is God. Abraham’s “faith” vacillates, and fails, and is motivated too much by self-interest (“Lord God, what will You give me seeing I go childless” – Genesis 15:2). But God, throughout the story of Abraham remains faithful. God reminds Abraham of His promises and goes with Abraham wherever he goes.



-Faithful – leaves Ur of Chaldees/Babylon – Genesis 12

-Unfaithful – lies about Sarai to Pharaoh in Egypt – Genesis 12

-Faithful – gives Lot his choice for home – Genesis 13

-Faithful – rescues Lot and five kings – Genesis 14

-Faithful – pays tithe to Melchizedek – Genesis 14

-Unfaithful – Doubts God’s faithfulness since no son – Genesis 15

-Faithful – Believes God and accounted righteous – Genesis 15

-Unfaithful – listens to Sarah, Hagar/Ishmael – Genesis 16

-Unfaithful – Abraham pleads for Ishmael to be promised son – Genesis 17

-Faithful – Abraham and circumcision – Genesis 17

-Unfaithful – lies about Sarah again with Abimelech – Genesis 20

-Faithful – Follows God’s voice in offering Isaac – Genesis 22


CAN YOU RELATE? The only consistent theme in the story of Abraham is GOD’S FAITHFULNESS to Abraham – NOT Abraham’s faith or faithfulness to God.


The first and foremost lesson we should derive from the story of Abraham is that GOD IS FAITHFUL! He always has been, and He always will be!


“If we are faithless, God remains faithful” – 2 Timothy 2:13

“If we are faithless, God remains faithful” – 2 Timothy 2:13

“If we are faithless, God remains faithful” – 2 Timothy 2:13



And as in Abraham’s life, may it also be in our lives, that the faithfulness of God, which is the faith of Jesus, may produce a responsive and answering faith in our experience. As God was faithful to Abraham, and as God is just as faithful to us, we can also be faithful to Him.


When we see and understand and appreciate Jesus’ faith in us, it will awaken a responsive faith in us, and produce in us as individuals, and as a corporate church, a keeping of the commandments of God. Revelation 14:12.


It is incredible, and encouraging to me, that despite Abraham’s vacillating faith, God still said to Abraham, “You are my friend.” Is it possible, that despite my vacillating faith, God could still call me His friend? The story of Abraham tells me yes! I have not always treated God as my friend, but as with Abraham, God has always treated me as His friend. May that move me – and all of us – to be faithful to God and treat Him as the Friend to us that He has always been.

-Bob Hunsaker







Savior of the World