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01-01 - Christ-One With The Father3:49 Download
01-02 - A Teacher Sent From God3:18 Download
01-03 - Christ Sacrificed Himself For Us3:21 Download
01-04 - Christ Supplies Us With Living Water3:26 Download
01-05 - Christ’s Compassion Knew No Limit3:10 Download
01-06 - Changed into His Image3:21 Download
01-07 - Christ Inspires Souls with Confidence in God3:36 Download
01-08 - By the Eye of Faith Christ is Present Ever3:06 Download
01-09 - Christ Bridged the Gulf Caused by Sin3:19 Download
01-10 - The Image of the Divine to Shine Through3:21 Download
01-11 - Christ Brought Spiritual and Physical Healing3:01 Download
01-12 - Christ’s Words Carried Impelling Power2:52 Download
01-13 - Christ Recognized the Dignity of Humanity3:16 Download
01-14 - Christ Acknowledged the Rights of Everyone3:14 Download
01-15 - Christ was No Respecter of Persons3:06 Download
01-16 - Christ Our Example in True Courtesy3:05 Download
01-17 - Christ An Example In Social Power3:10 Download
01-18 - All To Reveal Christ’s Spirit And Power3:04 Download
01-19 - The Revelation Of God’s Love In The Cross3:03 Download
01-20 - Christ’s Glory Shines On The Thief3:10 Download
01-21 - As Our Example Christ Is All And In All3:10 Download
01-22 - Christ Is The Truth2:48 Download
01-23 - Christ a Perfect Example for All3:03 Download
01-24 - Christ The Prince of Peace3:08 Download
01-25 - The Personality of God Revealed in Christ3:15 Download
01-26 - Jesus is Our Example2:58 Download
01-27 - Jesus Provided a Model of Character2:55 Download
01-28 - Christ Filled His Disciples’ Thoughts2:49 Download
01-29 - Christ Revealed The Riches Of Heaven3:13 Download
01-30 - Christ’s Followers To Do Greater Works Than He3:02 Download
01-31 - Christ The Channel Of Saving Grace3:11 Download
02-01 - A Revelation Of God’s Will And Character3:19 Download
02-02 - Sinners Brought Into Harmony With The Law3:14 Download
02-03 - God’s Law Is The Standard Of Character3:26 Download
02-04 - True Followers Obey God’s Law3:23 Download
02-05 - God’s Law Is Changeless3:18 Download
02-06 - God’s Law Is The Law Of Love3:06 Download
02-07 - Individual Accountability2:49 Download
02-08 - Christ Came To Magnify His Law3:07 Download
02-09 - How We Magnify The Law2:54 Download
02-10 - The Law, As A Mirror, Reveals Sin2:56 Download
02-11 - The Law Of God Versus The Law Of Self3:03 Download
02-12 - No Compromise With Evil3:16 Download
02-13 - God Reveals His Justice And Love3:06 Download
02-14 - Truth Must Be Practiced In The Life3:03 Download
02-15 - God’s Authority Forever Established3:01 Download
02-16 - Principles That Underlie The Law Of God2:56 Download
02-17 - The Standard In The Judgment3:06 Download
02-18 - How We May Keep God’s Law2:58 Download
02-19 - The Meaning Of God’s Law3:02 Download
02-20 - Study Christ’s Character And Become Like Him3:10 Download
02-21 - True Charity Will Not Compromise With Evil3:10 Download
02-22 - The Spirituality Of The Law3:05 Download
02-23 - The New Covenant Promise3:11 Download
02-24 - God’s Law A Hedge Against Evil2:58 Download
02-25 - Every Soul To Be Treated With Respect2:49 Download
02-26 - Christians To Be As Transparent As Sunlight3:09 Download
02-27 - God’s Law Of Forgiving Love3:21 Download
02-28 - God’s Law Of Love Perfected In Us2:58 Download
03-01 - Justification By Faith—Our Only Hope3:16 Download
03-02 - The Repentant Sinner Accepted in Christ3:17 Download
03-03 - We Are Complete In Christ3:18 Download
03-04 - Christ’s Blood Was Shed To Remit Our Sins3:10 Download
03-05 - Justified Souls Walk In The Light3:32 Download
03-06 - Faith Without Works Is Dead3:10 Download
03-07 - Sanctification Continues As Long As Life Lasts3:17 Download
03-08 - Sanctification Is The Result Of Lifelong Obedience2:59 Download
03-09 - More Attention To The Faith Of Jesus3:04 Download
03-10 - Testing Time Reveals Faith And Love2:38 Download
03-11 - Sanctification Embraces The Entire Being3:05 Download
03-12 - Daniel Stands Firm Whatever The Result2:54 Download
03-13 - Daniel’s Life Illustrates Sanctification3:04 Download
03-14 - In The Presence Of The Infinite3:07 Download
03-15 - Three Hebrews Display The Power Of God2:58 Download
03-16 - How The King Recognized The Son Of God2:51 Download
03-17 - God Answers Daniel’s Fervent Prayer3:23 Download
03-18 - The Truly Sanctified Feel Unworthy3:16 Download
03-19 - Love Was That Of A Repentant Sinner2:51 Download
03-20 - John Learned Well The Lessons Jesus Taught3:06 Download
03-21 - The Contrast Between John And Judas3:13 Download
03-22 - Amazed At God’s Love3:09 Download
03-23 - Love Is Shown By Willing Obedience3:13 Download
03-24 - Sanctified By Faith And Obedience3:08 Download
03-25 - Paul Emphasizes Sanctification3:17 Download
03-26 - Beholding Jesus With The Eye Of Faith2:57 Download
03-27 - God Works On Plan Of Multiplication2:53 Download
03-28 - God’s Word The Means Of Our Sanctification3:24 Download
03-29 - The Need For Personal Consecration3:09 Download
03-30 - Without Jesus We Can Do Nothing3:15 Download
03-31 - United To Christ, We Obtain His Mind3:16 Download
04-01 - God’s Original Plan Of Communication3:18 Download
04-02 - Christ Offers The Riches Of The Universe3:19 Download
04-03 - Self Is Hidden And Christ Is Revealed3:05 Download
04-04 - What True Surrender To God Involves3:00 Download
04-05 - Christ’s Love Is A Satisfying Fountain3:20 Download
04-06 - We Can Bear The Fruits Of Righteousness3:12 Download
04-07 - The Word Of God Is Strong And Powerful3:19 Download
04-08 - Truth Must Be Stamped Upon The Heart3:01 Download
04-09 - The Light Of Scriptures To Be Cherished3:11 Download
04-10 - The Truth Makes Us Free3:04 Download
04-11 - The Impress of Deity Seen in His Word3:02 Download
04-12 - Meeting Satan With Scripture Weapons3:09 Download
04-13 - The Reward of Searching3:01 Download
04-14 - Divine Power Obtained Through Prayer3:15 Download
04-15 - Wait and Watch and Pray3:10 Download
04-16 - Power to Prevail with God and Men2:53 Download
04-17 - Praying Believers Should Encircle the World3:04 Download
04-18 - Prayer is Appropriate Anytime, Anywhere2:55 Download
04-19 - Faith that Works by Love3:13 Download
04-20 - By Faith All Things Are Ours3:08 Download
04-21 - By Faith Excellence is Developed2:55 Download
04-22 - Faith is a Shield for Every Soul3:13 Download
04-23 - Faith Qualifies for Us the Royal Line3:04 Download
04-24 - How to Gain Spiritual Strength2:49 Download
04-25 - The Holy Spirit, Representative of Christ1:46 Download
04-26 - Imbued by the Power of the Holy Spirit3:10 Download
04-27 - We Cannot Use the Holy Spirit, the Spirit is to Use Us3:03 Download
04-28 - The Holy Spirit, Christ’s Special Gift2:56 Download
04-29 - The Effect of Receiving the Spirit2:54 Download
04-30 - We are to Reveal Christ’s Love and Joy2:50 Download
05-01 - The Glorious Tree of Life3:00 Download
05-02 - The Universal Dominion of Law3:16 Download
05-03 - The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God2:58 Download
05-04 - Glorify God in our Body and Spirit3:36 Download
05-05 - We are to Reveal the Principles of Heaven3:12 Download
05-06 - Health is a Blessing Few Appreciate3:16 Download
05-07 - Nature Honors those Who Obey Her Laws3:17 Download
05-08 - The Importance of Strict Temperance2:57 Download
05-09 - All of the Living Organism is the Lord’s3:15 Download
05-10 - The Relationship Between Flesh and Spirit3:21 Download
05-11 - The Health-Giving Value of Outdoor Life3:00 Download
05-12 - Each Youth Must Decide for Himself3:27 Download
05-13 - Exercise is Indispensable to Health2:54 Download
05-14 - Appropriate Exercise3:28 Download
05-15 - The Wonders of the Human Body3:16 Download
05-16 - Moral Principles Safeguard the Soul3:12 Download
05-17 - Wrong Physical Habits Affect the Brain3:12 Download
05-18 - Life is a Holy Trust3:08 Download
05-19 - True Religion Promotes Health3:24 Download
05-20 - We are to Value God’s Marvelous Works3:13 Download
05-21 - Power to Think and to Do3:07 Download
05-22 - We Receive the Wisdom of Eternity3:18 Download
05-23 - True Standards of Christian Excellence3:06 Download
05-24 - Wisdom that Fulfills God’s Purpose3:16 Download
05-25 - Enlightened to Full Radiance3:23 Download
05-26 - Enjoying Life’s Real Pleasures3:02 Download
05-27 - The Highway to Health2:58 Download
05-28 - Mental Culture Gained by Bible Study3:12 Download
05-29 - Aim for Continual Advancement3:09 Download
05-30 - Christians to Move Onward and Upward3:18 Download
05-31 - The Temple of God3:16 Download
06-01 - Eden, the First Home3:10 Download
06-02 - The Influence of a Christian Home3:00 Download
06-03 - An Argument Infidels Cannot Resist3:01 Download
06-04 - Laying Hold of the Mighty One of Heaven3:04 Download
06-05 - Christ Bestows the Graces Needed3:14 Download
06-06 - Christ Eases the Burdens of Parents3:12 Download
06-07 - Parents to Teach Obedience3:05 Download
06-08 - Christ, the Wife and Mother’s Strength3:06 Download
06-09 - Fathers to Spend Time with Children2:57 Download
06-10 - Fathers to Lead Children to Religious Light3:06 Download
06-11 - The Work of Both Parents is Important2:54 Download
06-12 - Children to Develop Well-Balanced Characters3:11 Download
06-13 - Father as Priest; Mother as Teacher2:56 Download
06-14 - Ministers to be Faithful in Family Life3:07 Download
06-15 - Parents to Counsel Their Children2:59 Download
06-16 - Study the Divine Guidebook in Worship3:00 Download
06-17 - The Bible is the Voice of God to Families2:54 Download
06-18 - Family Worship not to be Neglected3:05 Download
06-19 - Early Training of Children Determines their Future Experience3:03 Download
06-20 - Families to Reflect the Goodness of God3:09 Download
06-21 - Gentleness and Patience in the Home3:02 Download
06-22 - Useful Occupation Better Than Games3:21 Download
06-23 - Teach Children to be Workers Together With God3:05 Download
06-24 - Family United by Bonds of Love3:01 Download
06-25 - Courtesy Should Reign in the Home3:10 Download
06-26 - Cheerfulness in the Home Promotes Happiness3:04 Download
06-27 - Great Truths Handed Down From Father to Son3:17 Download
06-28 - Abraham’s Example as a Father3:11 Download
06-29 - Abraham Obeyed God’s Voice3:14 Download
06-30 - Hannah and the Early Life of Samuel3:13 Download
07-01 - God’s Church to Reflect His Glory3:35 Download
07-02 - Every True Christian to be a Light Bearer3:22 Download
07-03 - God Glorified in Human Life3:20 Download
07-04 - Be One, as Christ and the Father are One3:12 Download
07-05 - Perfect Oneness will Give Success3:13 Download
07-06 - Prepare to Meet thy God3:06 Download
07-07 - Every Member May Render Service3:13 Download
07-08 - Let Repentant Ones be Forgiven3:19 Download
07-09 - Awake, and Watch for Souls3:21 Download
07-10 - Church Members are Blessed to Bless Others3:37 Download
07-11 - God Deals with Us as we Deal with Others3:25 Download
07-12 - God Honors Them that Honor Him3:22 Download
07-13 - The Route to Greater Spiritual Life in the Church3:43 Download
07-14 - The Ten Virgins Represent the Church3:11 Download
07-15 - Two Classes of Watchers3:05 Download
07-16 - The Wise Virgins Let Their Light Shine3:10 Download
07-17 - Revelation of God’s Glory in Humanity3:05 Download
07-18 - Reflecting Light from the Sun of Righteousness3:14 Download
07-19 - Christ’s Purpose to Sanctify and Cleanse the Church2:41 Download
07-20 - “Be Filled with all the Fulness of God”3:40 Download
07-21 - Holy Spirit’s Power Needed in End-Time3:11 Download
07-22 - The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit3:27 Download
07-23 - True Religion Needed in the Church Today3:15 Download
07-24 - Christ’s Followers to Stand Firmly for the Right3:31 Download
07-25 - Praise to God has Irresistible Power3:19 Download
07-26 - We have a “More Sure Word of Prophecy3:19 Download
07-27 - Cherished Evil Must be Replaced by Christ’s Love3:32 Download
07-28 - Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone of the Church3:16 Download
07-29 - Building of God’s Temple Goes Forward3:13 Download
07-30 - The Church Will Triumph Over Every Obstacle3:16 Download
07-31 - The Church Does Not Fall3:33 Download
08-01 - Christ’s Commendation to the Merciful3:05 Download
08-02 - Jesus Was a Friend to Every Human Being3:36 Download
08-03 - Who is My Neighbor3:21 Download
08-04 - Follow the True Medical Missionary Worker3:09 Download
08-05 - The World Needs a Revelation of Christ3:36 Download
08-06 - Follow Christ in Service and Self-Denial3:27 Download
08-07 - God’s Love Enables Us to Impart Light3:23 Download
08-08 - Love, the Ruling Principle of Action3:16 Download
08-09 - Reflect Rays of Light to Others3:14 Download
08-10 - We May Connect a Soul to Heaven3:23 Download
08-11 - Fishers of Men Need the Divine Presence  Download
08-12 - The World Needs Health Principles3:05 Download
08-13 - Reveal the Preciousness of Jesus3:19 Download
08-14 - Present Truth in Love2:59 Download
08-15 - Thousands to be Warned in the Cities3:01 Download
08-16 - The Fields are Ready to Harvest3:13 Download
08-17 - Doing God’s Will in Warning the Lost3:07 Download
08-18 - Heart Missionaries are Needed3:08 Download
08-19 - Success Through House-to-House Ministry3:30 Download
08-20 - Acts of Sympathy Open Doors3:06 Download
08-21 - Invite the Youth to your Homes3:19 Download
08-22 - Youth to Help Youth3:05 Download
08-23 - The Power of Influence3:09 Download
08-24 - Press Close to Those Who Need Help3:08 Download
08-25 - God Calls Young People3:04 Download
08-26 - “Pure Religion” and “My Neighbor” Defined3:14 Download
08-27 - Reaching Out Through Literature Evangelism2:57 Download
08-28 - The Relief of Physical Needs3:04 Download
08-29 - The Ministry of Music3:02 Download
08-30 - The Joy of Service for Christ3:31 Download
08-31 - The Eternal Reward of Reaching Out3:11 Download
09-01 - Be Ready for the Coming of Christ3:19 Download
09-02 - Growing Up into Christ3:14 Download
09-03 - Our Sufficiency is in Christ Alone3:20 Download
09-04 - The Greatest in the Kingdom3:01 Download
09-05 - Influence may Bless Thousands2:57 Download
09-06 - Acquiring the Divine Beauty of Meekness3:14 Download
09-07 - Meekness, an Adorning of the Soul3:04 Download
09-08 - An Imperishable Jewel3:18 Download
09-09 - Relieving the World’s Misery3:06 Download
09-10 - Choose the Robe Woven in Heaven’s Loom3:03 Download
09-11 - The Widow’s Mite Measured by Motive3:03 Download
09-12 - Using Riches for the Lord3:05 Download
09-13 - What the Spirit of Liberality Will Do3:18 Download
09-14 - Like Daniel, be Honest and Upright3:09 Download
09-15 - Strict Integrity to Mark the Christian3:12 Download
09-16 - Living Stones, Aglow with Wondrous Light3:14 Download
09-17 - Obedience, the Fruit of Faith3:19 Download
09-18 - The Ground of Forgiveness3:08 Download
09-19 - Encourage a Spirit of Kindliness3:09 Download
09-20 - Keep Christ in View3:10 Download
09-21 - Jesus Willed Us Peace3:19 Download
09-22 - Discipline Prepares Youth for High Destiny3:03 Download
09-23 - Tender Regard for Elderly Workers2:59 Download
09-24 - When Infirmities Come, Trust in God3:22 Download
09-25 - Cultivate the Talent of Speech3:07 Download
09-26 - Speak Evil of No Man3:02 Download
09-27 - The Joy of Well-Chosen Words3:17 Download
09-28 - Pour out Praise and Thanksgiving3:14 Download
09-29 - We are to Use Our Time Wisely3:05 Download
09-30 - Witnessing by Our Actions3:13 Download
10-01 - True Character Radiates from Within3:23 Download
10-02 - The World Needs People of Noble Character3:23 Download
10-03 - We are to Reflect Christ’s Love3:15 Download
10-04 - God Alone can Renew the Heart3:26 Download
10-05 - The Highest Evidence of Nobility3:14 Download
10-06 - Self-Control Through Christ3:25 Download
10-07 - Keep Your Will on the Lord’s Side3:11 Download
10-08 - Daily Prayer, Essential to Growth in Grace3:00 Download
10-09 - Divine Power and Human Effort3:05 Download
10-10 - Christ Puts on Us His Perfection of Character2:55 Download
10-11 - Character is Power3:25 Download
10-12 - Set Your Mark High3:14 Download
10-13 - We shall Reap What we have Sown3:12 Download
10-14 - The Lord Knows All the Thoughts3:24 Download
10-15 - A Daily Revealing of Christ’s Presence3:05 Download
10-16 - Jesus Desires that We Become One with Him3:05 Download
10-17 - Treasures of Divine Grace at Our Disposal3:12 Download
10-18 - The Truth of God Refines the Taste3:18 Download
10-19 - The Building Blocks of Noble Characters3:25 Download
10-20 - Transformation of Character Takes Place Here3:05 Download
10-21 - What You Think, You are3:18 Download
10-22 - Character the Result of Single Acts3:16 Download
10-23 - We Abide in Christ by a Living Faith3:19 Download
10-24 - The Thoughts must be Centered upon God3:29 Download
10-25 - The Science of Christianity3:23 Download
10-26 - Living the Character of Christ3:22 Download
10-27 - The Knowledge of God Is Vital3:29 Download
10-28 - The Necessity of Constant Growth in Grace3:12 Download
10-29 - John’s Character Reflected Christ3:06 Download
10-30 - The Disciples Revealed the Love of Christ3:03 Download
10-31 - Contemplating Heavenly Things3:13 Download
11-01 - God’s Children to be Light Bearers3:28 Download
11-02 - Enoch Walked With God3:09 Download
11-03 - A Preacher of Righteousness3:08 Download
11-04 - Noah Stood Like a Rock3:16 Download
11-05 - Noah Proclaimed God’s Word with Force3:05 Download
11-06 - Abraham’s Unquestioning Obedience3:01 Download
11-07 - Abraham’s Unfaltering Faith2:59 Download
11-08 - Joseph Resolves to be True to God3:30 Download
11-09 - Jochebed’s Influence on Moses3:25 Download
11-10 - Moses’ Leadership Inspired Confidence3:33 Download
11-11 - Deborah’s Support for Barak3:24 Download
11-12 - Gideon Leads Three Hundred Men to Victory2:58 Download
11-13 - Gideon Shows Courtesy to the Ephraimites3:07 Download
11-14 - Abigail Reveals Unselfishness and Wisdom3:10 Download
11-15 - Abigail’s Influence Prevents Tragedy3:04 Download
11-16 - David Learns Through Hardship3:20 Download
11-17 - Solomon Learns from Suffering3:14 Download
11-18 - Elisha Demonstrates Steadfastness3:19 Download
11-19 - Captive Maid Shows Concern for Naaman2:58 Download
11-20 - Isaiah Responds to God’s Call3:17 Download
11-21 - John Calls for Repentance3:34 Download
11-22 - Jesus Showed Us How to Live3:25 Download
11-23 - The Enormous Harvest of a Single Act3:11 Download
11-24 - Though Suffering, Paul and Silas Sing3:01 Download
11-25 - Lydia’s Hospitality3:06 Download
11-26 - Paul Warns Against “Tradition” and “Philosophy”2:56 Download
11-27 - The Essential Qualification for Service3:05 Download
11-28 - Those Who Return to the Old Paths3:12 Download
11-29 - Revealing the Triumphs of Grace3:16 Download
11-30 - God’s People to Reveal Principles3:12 Download
12-01 - God Leads Us to Perfect Trust3:18 Download
12-02 - We Rejoice in Tribulation3:16 Download
12-03 - God has a Tender Care for His People3:15 Download
12-04 - We Fight Life’s Battles in Christ’s Strength3:08 Download
12-05 - God Tests Our Loyalty to Him3:05 Download
12-06 - Instead of Murmuring, Let Us Exercise Faith3:01 Download
12-07 - God’s Grace Sweetens Every Affliction3:05 Download
12-08 - Whatever Our Trial, Christ is Near3:14 Download
12-09 - The Value of Pain2:57 Download
12-10 - God Teaches Self-Distrust Through Trials2:57 Download
12-11 - Meekness Under Trial3:07 Download
12-12 - Paul’s Godly Life had Irresistible Power3:00 Download
12-13 - Peter Strengthened Those Enduring Trial2:55 Download
12-14 - Trials Educate, Purify, and Strengthen3:05 Download
12-15 - John Met Errors Unflinchingly2:53 Download
12-16 - Christ Lifts Us Through Sorrow3:08 Download
12-17 - Love for Jesus Makes Suffering Sweet3:03 Download
12-18 - Affliction Spreads Knowledge of God2:50 Download
12-19 - Watch, and Give Jesus Your Burden2:56 Download
12-21 - The Scriptures Safeguard Against Deception3:05 Download
12-22 - God Works Mightily for His Chosen Ones3:04 Download
12-23 - Wrestling with God to Victory3:29 Download
12-24 - God’s People Protected3:16 Download
12-25 - “Glory to God in the Highest”3:09 Download
12-26 - The Redeemed Sing, “Worthy is the Lamb”3:19 Download
12-27 - The Deliverance of God’s People3:10 Download
12-28 - Paul’s Triumphant Testimony3:12 Download
12-29 - Our Glorious Destiny3:22 Download
12-30 - The Pure in Heart to Reflect Christ3:09 Download
12-31 - Christians to Reflect the Light of Heaven3:29 Download