00 - Foreword | 2:29 |
00 - Introduction | 7:13 |
01 - Solomon’s Spectacular Beginning | 10:11 |
02 - Solomon’s Magnificent Temple | 15:32 |
03 - Prosperity and Pride Bring Disaster | 10:47 |
04 - How Solomon Missed His Chance | 16:04 |
05 - Solomon’s Deep Repentance | 11:16 |
06 - Rehoboam’s Arrogance--The Rending of the Kingdom | 11:38 |
07 - Jeroboam Leads Israel Back to Idol Worship | 9:02 |
08 - National Apostasy Brings National Ruin | 8:39 |
09 - Elijah Confronts King Ahab | 8:55 |
10 - The Voice of Stern Rebuke | 16:18 |
11 - God Vindicated on Mount Carmel | 12:40 |
12 - The Prophet Loses Faith and Panics | 11:37 |
13 - “What Are You Doing Here” | 11:06 |
14 - God’s Call to Modern Apostates | 15:22 |
15 - Jehoshaphat, the King Who Believed God | 14:07 |
16 - The Fall of the House of Ahab | 17:00 |
17 - Elisha Called to Succeed Elijah | 15:01 |
18 - The Healing of the Waters | 6:28 |
19 - Elisha, Gentle Prophet of Peace | 9:43 |
20 - Captain Naaman Healed of Leprosy | 9:42 |
21 - Elisha’s Closing Ministry | 13:40 |
22 - Jonah, the Prophet Who Ran Away | 13:30 |
23 - The Decline and Fall of Israel | 11:24 |
24 - Elisha’s Closing Ministry | 7:21 |
25 - Prophet With a Message of Hope | 7:58 |
26 - Isaiah’s Message “Behold Your God” | 9:29 |
27 - Ahaz Almost Ruins the Kingdom | 10:01 |
28 - King Hezekiah Repairs the Damage | 8:40 |
29 - Visitors From Babylon See the Wrong Things | 8:29 |
30 - An Angel Slays the Assyrian Army | 16:08 |
31 - Isaiah’s Good News for All the Nations | 10:57 |
32 - Manasseh and Josiah--The Worst and the Best | 10:13 |
33 - The Long-lost Law Book Discovered | 11:08 |
34 - Jeremiah, the Man Who Felt God’s Anguish | 15:09 |
35 - Judah’s Amazing Stubbornness | 16:23 |
36 - Zedekiah, Judah’s Last King | 12:25 |
37 - Zedekiah Fails His Last Chance | 12:13 |
38 - Not All Was Lost! | 9:12 |
39 - Daniel a Captive in Babylon | 11:57 |
40 - Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of World Empires | 9:53 |
41- Three Hebrews in the Fiery Furnace | 9:52 |
42- Nebuchadnezzar’s Seven Years of Madness | 7:52 |
43 - Belshazzar’s Feast--Babylon’s Last Night | 13:51 |
44 - Daniel in the Lions’ Den | 8:38 |
45 - Cyrus Sets the Exiles Free | 13:30 |
46 - Bitter Opposition Fails | 14:54 |
47 - Satan, the Accuser, Christ, the Defender | 10:59 |
48 - The Secret of Success in God’s Work | 5:13 |
49 - Esther, the Hebrew Girl Who Became Queen | 8:29 |
50 - Ezra, the King’s Trusted Friend | 9:32 |
51 - Ezra Sparks a Spiritual Revival | 8:13 |
52 - Nehemiah, Man of Prayer and Action | 6:08 |
53 - Nehemiah Accomplishes the Impossible | 9:57 |
54 - Nehemiah Bravely Rebukes Selfishness | 6:18 |
55 - Union With the World Hinders God’s Cause | 7:38 |
56 - The Joy of Forgiveness and Healing | 6:02 |
57 - Nehemiah’s Painful Work of Reformation | 10:00 |
58 - Darkness Precedes the Dawn | 18:19 |
59 - Where Is God’s True Israel | 17:12 |
60 - Visions of a Glorious Future | 10:49 |