00 - A Word to the Reader | 6:41 |
01-00 - Introduction | 1:44 |
01-01 - What Is the Church | 10:44 |
01-02 - Unity in the Church | 4:45 |
01-03 - Independent Action | 8:20 |
02-00 - Introduction | 1:59 |
02-04 - The Primacy of the Word | 11:47 |
02-05 - Experiences in Receiving the Visions | 14:01 |
02-06 - Glimpses of How the Light Came to Ellen White | 18:31 |
02-07 - Presenting the Divinely Revealed Message | 31:16 |
02-08 - The Question of Influence | 12:24 |
02-09 - Defining Sister Whites Judgment and the Word of the Lord | 6:06 |
02-10 - On Being an Inspired Messenger | 14:14 |
02-11 - The Reception of the Messages | 20:37 |
03-00 - Introduction | 2:06 |
03-12 - Literary Assistants in Work of Ellen G White | 10:33 |
03-13 - The Testimonies for the Church | 9:33 |
03-14 - Initial Steps in Writing and Publishing The Great Controversy Story | 6:13 |
03-15 - A Running Account of Ellen G Whites Experience in Writing on the Life of Christ in 1876 | 13:11 |
03-16 - Expanding the Great Controversy Presentation | 12:51 |
03-17 - The Experience of E G White in Preparing The Desire of Ages | 12:21 |
03-18 - Comments While at Work on the Conflict Series Books | 5:52 |
04-00 - Introduction | 2:03 |
04-19 - The Incarnation | 35:23 |
05-00 - Introduction | 2:25 |
05-20 - Principles as Set Forth by Ellen White in Her Early Ministry | 26:46 |
05-21 - Ellen G White Reports on the Minneapolis Conference | 1:18:50 |
05-22 - Emphasis on Salvation Theme 1890-1908 | 36:14 |
06-00 - Introduction | 4:39 |
06-23 - Appeal for a Church School | 9:31 |
06-24 - Counsel Regarding Age of School Entrance | 25:50 |
06-25 - General Guiding Principles | 6:27 |
06-26 - Attending Colleges and Universities of the Land | 7:46 |
07-00 - Introduction | 2:05 |
07-27 - The Grace of Courtesy | 8:40 |
07-28 - Dress and Adornment | 31:32 |
07-29 - The Sabbath Guiding Principles in Sabbath Obervance | 23:18 |
07-30 - The Propriety of Varying Postures in Prayer | 10:53 |
08-00 - Introduction | 1:57 |
08-31 - Visions That Early Called for Reforms | 4:31 |
08-32 - The 1863 Health Reform Vision | 14:55 |
08-33 - Proper Use of the Testimonies on Health Reform | 11:20 |
08-34 - Spiritual and Physical Hazards of Indulged Appetite | 7:44 |
08-35 - Teaching Health Reform in the Family | 3:44 |
08-36 - Sister White and Prayer for the Sick | 3:12 |
09-00 - Introduction | 0:56 |
09-37 - Seventh-day Adventists and Lawsuits | 14:22 |
09-38 - Science and Revelation | 14:36 |
09-39 - Questions About the Saved | 7:24 |
09-40 - The Question of the Date Line | 4:59 |
09-41 - Memorials Are They Proper | 2:45 |
09-42 - Renting Our Churches to Other Denominations | 1:55 |
09-43 - Feelings of Despondency | 7:56 |
09-44 - Specific Light on Gardening | 2:55 |
09-45 - Balanced Counsel on Picture-making and Idolatry | 3:10 |
09-46 - Music and the Music Director | 8:25 |
09-47 - Work in the Spirit of Prayer | 3:07 |
09-48 - The Bible Prophets Wrote for Our Time | 3:48 |
09-49 - Can All Have the Gift of Prophecy | 3:00 |
09-50 - Disparaging the Pioneers | 11:42 |
09-51 - Attacks on Ellen White and Her Work | 9:21 |
09-52 - Sinlessness and Salvation | 9:30 |
09-53 - Study the Testimonies | 5:56 |
10-00 - Introduction | 1:15 |
10-54 - The Mackin Case | 33:54 |
11-00 - Introduction | 4:48 |
11-55 - Lessons From Meeting the Sunday Law Crisis of the Late 1880s and Early 1890s | 43:25 |
11-56 - As We Near the End | 22:05 |
11-57 - The Last Great Struggle | 44:21 |
12 - Appendix A | 24:14 |
13 - Appendix B | 10:33 |
14 - Appendix C | 31:20 |