Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Self-Centered or Other-Centered: A Legalistic Christian?
As one contemplates the mess this world is in, with its social unrest, disparities, pandemics, earthquakes, famine and pestilence, one realizes that for the current situation to change, for there to be a better, more civil world, it will require a power outside of the carnal, self-centered human condition for a fix and a shift in thinking and solutions to take place. Many find hope in churches and religious community. Denominations often provide a proscribed pathway to a happy life and being at peace with God. This raises the question whether the quest to find solutions and answers, God, other centeredness, peace and hope can come from within man and from without, a power outside of man?
Having just returned from a trip to Europe, it is quite evident that the churches and cathedrals there have become museums, with Sunday church attendance being reported as less than 3%. Here in the US church attendance has taken a significant dip, influenced by the pandemic and a renewed search for a better way. As society is becoming more secular, so are the churches. Some say that secularism and self-centeredness- what’s in it for me, has infected all churches, with the majority of people questioning the inspiration of the God’s Word, the Holy Bible. God’s guidance is being questioned and rejected. Feelings, emotions are controlling decision making. Situation ethics reigns supreme. Behavior is being rationalized.
Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Self-Centered or Other-Centered: A Legalistic Christian?
There is a God the creator, guidance vacuum. If you can’t trust the veracity of creator God and His Word, the Bible, who or what can you trust? Self-help books? The dictums of the church? Who is responsible for the mess that we are in?
As the second coming of Jesus Christ is imminent, it’s time for each of us individually, to take responsibility for our actions, admit culpability, that one shares partial responsibility for the mess that secular, carnal man, sold under sin have created. Yup, that means you and that means me.
It’s time for us to reflect on the course that we are on.
It’s time for us to ask whether we know Jesus Christ as Savior and Friend.
Parousia- The Imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Self-Centered or Other-Centered: A Legalistic Christian?
It’s time to fully accept the incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ as real.
It’s time to ask, “Are You a Christian or Legalist, Self-Centered or Other-Centered?” Who and what are you? What is your guidance?
It’s time to commit to contribute to make this a better world through other-centered love, not egotistical self-centeredness.
It’s time to study the life of Christ, His self-sacrifice and self-abnegation.
It’s time to start the journey on the pathway to the throne of God, by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and live Holy Spirit filled lives.
It’s time to admit that we can’t fix ourselves or the mess that is in this world. It will require a power outside of man, a supernatural power. That power is Jesus Christ.
It’s time. Discover the life of Christ in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Discover the life of Christ in the book the Desire of Ages.
It’s time to die to self, to live is Christ.
It’s time to discover Christ.