Audiobook Cover

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01-01 - That God Created Man in His Own Image2:08 Download
01-02 - That we should be Called the Sons of God1:58 Download
01-03 - That when Christ Appears we Shall be Like Him1:59 Download
01-04 - That we are Purified as Christ is Pure2:09 Download
01-05 - That God Sent His Son to Die that we Might Live2:12 Download
01-06 - That Power is Given us to Become the Sons of God2:10 Download
01-07 - That the Church Is the Object of God's Supreme Regard2:05 Download
01-08 - We are His Sons and Daughters2:01 Download
01-09 - If Children, then Heirs2:13 Download
01-10 - He Knows our Needs Before we Ask2:09 Download
01-11 - Every Good and Perfect Gift is from Him2:14 Download
01-12 - He Manifests His Love Toward Us2:02 Download
01-13 - He is Near to All that Call Upon Him2:10 Download
01-14 - Enoch, a Son of God, Walked with the Father2:05 Download
01-15 - He is the Express Image of the Father2:15 Download
01-16 - If We Sin, He Pleads Our Case in Heaven2:18 Download
01-17 - Belief in Him Means Everlasting Life2:23 Download
01-18 - He Knows How to Help Us When We are Tempted2:16 Download
01-19 - He is Stronger and More Mighty Than Our Adversary2:15 Download
01-20 - He is the Embodiment of Truth2:15 Download
01-21 - He is Ever Before Us, We Shall Not Be Moved2:10 Download
01-22 - Sons of God Are Led By Him2:03 Download
01-23 - He Guides Us Into All Truth2:12 Download
01-24 - He Teaches Us2:16 Download
01-25 - He Brings Wisdom and Understanding2:16 Download
01-26 - He Imparts the Fruit of the Spirit1:53 Download
01-27 - The Spirit Quickeneth2:13 Download
01-28 - He Speaks to Those Who Listen2:03 Download
01-29 - Countless Angels Ready to Help Us2:11 Download
01-30 - They Minister to the Heirs of Salvation2:14 Download
01-31 - They Constantly Ascend and Descend Heaven’s Ladder2:15 Download
02-01 - The Commandments are Sure1:57 Download
02-02 - The Law of God is Perfect2:05 Download
02-03 - The Law is Holy, Just, and Good2:13 Download
02-04 - The Law is Truth and Righteousness2:04 Download
02-05 - Hasty Obedience Brings Rich Blessings2:10 Download
02-06 - In the Home2:10 Download
02-07 - To be a Strength to All Nations2:09 Download
02-08 - Rejoices the Heart and Enlightens the Eyes2:17 Download
02-09 - Statutes Given for Our Good Always2:15 Download
02-10 - We Are Assured of Life Everlasting2:06 Download
02-11 - Christ Magnified the Law and Made It Honorable2:07 Download
02-12 - Love to Be Fulfilled in Our Lives1:59 Download
02-13 - Law of Love Written in Our Hearts2:10 Download
02-14 - We are to Love the Lord with All Our Hearts2:11 Download
02-15 - We Will Love Our Neighbors as Ourselves2:05 Download
02-16 - Mercy Shown to Thousands Who Love God's Law2:06 Download
02-17 - We Love God's Commandments More Than Gold2:19 Download
02-18 - Christ Came to Earth to Fulfill the Law2:02 Download
02-19 - We Shall Have No Other Gods1:54 Download
02-20 - We Shall Not Serve Any Graven Images2:08 Download
02-21 - We Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain2:01 Download
02-22 - We Shall Keep the Sabbath Day Holy2:02 Download
02-23 - Long Life Promised for Honoring Parents1:57 Download
02-24 - We Shall Not Kill2:05 Download
02-25 - We Shall Be Pure2:00 Download
02-26 - We Shall Not Steal2:02 Download
02-27 - We Shall Not Lie, or Bear False Witness2:11 Download
02-28 - We Shall Not Be Covetous2:00 Download
02-29 - It Shall Be Our Righteousness2:01 Download
03-01 - All Who Are Weary of Sin Are Urged to Enroll1:47 Download
03-02 - We Learn of Christ2:13 Download
03-03 - He Teaches Us His Yoke is Easy, His Burden2:04 Download
03-04 - Christ is the Heaven-Sent Teacher2:12 Download
03-05 - We Receive a Faith that Works by Love2:03 Download
03-06 - We Learn to Speak the Language of Canaan2:06 Download
03-07 - We Learn to Beware of Vain Deceit and Flattery2:04 Download
03-08 - Affliction Teaches Us to Long for Heaven2:03 Download
03-09 - We are to Consider Nature’s Lessons2:02 Download
03-10 - We Enter Into Christ’s Rest1:52 Download
03-11 - Dependence Upon God2:10 Download
03-12 - To Center Our Thoughts in Christ2:00 Download
03-13 - To Resist Temptation2:01 Download
03-14 - To Be Loving and Kind1:54 Download
03-15 - Humility2:01 Download
03-16 - Meekness1:57 Download
03-17 - Thoughtfulness1:56 Download
03-18 - Self-Control2:02 Download
03-19 - Purity1:54 Download
03-20 - Simplicity2:07 Download
03-21 - Steadfastness1:50 Download
03-22 - Patience1:57 Download
03-23 - Self-denial  Download
03-24 - Forgiveness2:05 Download
03-25 - Peter’s Sifting Resulted in His Conversion2:05 Download
03-26 - Lazarus Raised to Testify to God's Glory2:06 Download
03-27 - Elisha’s Faithfulness Rewarded2:08 Download
03-28 - Moses Endured as Seeing Him Who is Invisible2:11 Download
03-29 - Though Severely Tried Job Remained Perfect and Upright2:01 Download
03-30 - Paul Blinded so He Would See Christ2:16 Download
03-31 - Moab a Failure because He Refused to Change2:13 Download
04-01 - Our Heart the Most Precious Offering1:55 Download
04-02 - Diligent Heart Keeping Essential to Growth in Grace1:56 Download
04-03 - God Promises Us a New Heart of Flesh2:08 Download
04-04 - The Renewed Heart Loves as Christ Loved2:08 Download
04-05 - The Renewed Heart Bringeth Forth Good Things2:06 Download
04-06 - The Renewed Heart is a Pure Heart2:01 Download
04-07 - God's Peace Keeps the New Heart2:09 Download
04-08 - Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind2:18 Download
04-09 - Mind Increases Strength by Continual Effort2:03 Download
04-10 - Every Thought Obedient to Christ2:07 Download
04-11 - The Mind Must Be Fed With Pure Food1:53 Download
04-12 - We are to Take Time to Think About God2:07 Download
04-13 - Turn Minds From the Artificial to the Natural2:08 Download
04-14 - The Mind Fixed on Christ2:06 Download
04-15 - Changes Us from Sinners to Saints2:06 Download
04-16 - Changes Our Rudeness to Refinement2:14 Download
04-17 - Changes Our Slothfulness to Dispatch1:54 Download
04-18 - Changes Our Stubborn Wills to Sanctified Wills2:03 Download
04-19 - Changes Our Constant Complaining to Praise2:07 Download
04-20 - Changes Our Defiance to Submission2:11 Download
04-21 - Changes Our Empty Lamps into Full Lamps2:03 Download
04-22 - God’s Grace Sufficient for Every Need1:58 Download
04-23 - His Gifts are to Stablish and Strengthen Us2:18 Download
04-24 - Let Us Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace2:12 Download
04-25 - Rejoice in the Rich Treasures of Grace2:10 Download
04-26 - We have Received of God’s Fullness2:04 Download
04-29 - Blind Bartimaeus’ Faith in God’s Grace Rewardedmp32:12 Download
04-30 - From a Slave to Sin, to a Prince of Gods Grace2:14 Download
05-01 - He Depended Completely on Divine Power1:59 Download
05-02 - He Submitted to Parental Authority2:01 Download
05-03 - He Was Obedient and Respectful2:03 Download
05-04 - He Was Industrious2:06 Download
05-05 - His Simplicity Gave Him Favor2:07 Download
05-06 - In Baptism2:14 Download
05-07 - In the Study of the Scriptures1:57 Download
05-08 - In the Study of Nature2:09 Download
05-09 - In Communion With God2:17 Download
05-10 - In Keeping His Father’s Commandments2:12 Download
05-11 - In Being the Light of the World2:08 Download
05-12 - In Demonstrating God’s Parental Attributes2:13 Download
05-13 - In Physical Development2:08 Download
05-14 - In Gaining Victory Over Appetite2:09 Download
05-15 - In Positive Self-Control2:16 Download
05-16 - His Principles are to Be Our Principles2:07 Download
05-17 - When He Was Reviled, He Reviled Not2:13 Download
05-18 - He Was Misunderstood and Often Stood Alone2:12 Download
05-19 - He Did Not Interfere With Those in Power2:08 Download
05-20 - In Love for Others2:21 Download
05-21 - In Compassion2:16 Download
05-22 - In Cheerfulness2:18 Download
05-23 - In Soul Winning2:11 Download
05-24 - In Doing Good and Blessing Others2:10 Download
05-25 - In Recognizing God as the Giver of All Gifts2:20 Download
05-26 - In Forgiveness2:09 Download
05-27 - We are to be Perfect as Christ is Perfect2:11 Download
05-28 - We are to be Holy as Christ is Holy2:14 Download
05-29 - We are to Overcome as Christ Overcame2:14 Download
05-30 - We Follow Christ in the Ordinance of Humility2:02 Download
05-31 - We Follow Christ in the Communion Service2:14 Download
06-01 - Choose Today to Serve Christ Always2:09 Download
06-02 - Choose Christ as our Captain2:05 Download
06-03 - Counsel of a True Friend Rejoices the Heart2:02 Download
06-04 - Seek the Company of the Wise1:54 Download
06-05 - We Choose Our Associates Carefully2:03 Download
06-06 - We Do Not Consent to Enticement of Sinners2:10 Download
06-07 - We Choose a Life Companion Who Loves God2:01 Download
06-08 - Not a Favored Few, But Many Friends2:14 Download
06-09 - Jesus is a Friend That is Closer Than a Brother2:00 Download
06-10 - Happy Home Atmosphere Promotes Health1:51 Download
06-11 - Labor Results in Health and Happiness2:16 Download
06-12 - Health and Happiness in the Out-of-Doors2:11 Download
06-13 - By Preserving the Living Machinery2:10 Download
06-14 - Careful Habits Ensure Good Health2:14 Download
06-15 - We Are to Be Clean Inwardly and Outwardly2:11 Download
06-16 - Daniel Blessed for Choosing the Best2:03 Download
06-17 - We Choose to Please God, Not Ourselves2:08 Download
06-18 - We Do All in the Name of Jesus2:18 Download
06-19 - With Recreation That Results in Joy2:21 Download
06-20 - With Good Books That Ennoble the Mind2:03 Download
06-21 - With Good Music That Will Be a Blessing2:14 Download
06-22 - With Holiness in All Conversation2:06 Download
06-23 - With a Happy Sabbath Day of Worship and Rest2:12 Download
06-24 -To Accept the Light God Sends2:22 Download
06-25 -Divine Wisdom2:06 Download
06-26 -True Beauty2:08 Download
06-27 - Honesty2:07 Download
06-28 - Discretion2:11 Download
06-29 - Joseph Chose Life’s Best, Samson Did Not2:15 Download
06-30 - The Better Inheritance2:11 Download
07-01 - To Confess Christ2:04 Download
07-02 - To Study the Scriptures2:11 Download
07-03 - To Trust Him2:07 Download
07-04 - To Walk in His Way2:03 Download
07-05 - To Enjoy Perfect Love2:06 Download
07-06 - To Live in Harmony With His Law2:09 Download
07-07 - To Keep the Sabbath2:02 Download
07-08 - God Gives Spirit of Power and Love2:08 Download
07-09 - Sense of God’s Presence Banishes Fear2:11 Download
07-10 - God’s Goodness and Mercy Inspire Courage2:13 Download
07-11 - Praise to God Brings Courage2:04 Download
07-12 - Walking in the Light Brings Courage2:06 Download
07-13 - Gather Courage from the Coldness of Others2:07 Download
07-14 - Be Strong, for God is With Us2:11 Download
07-15 - Courage and Power are Needed Today2:10 Download
07-16 - God Calls Youth Because They Are Strong2:06 Download
07-17 - Courage of Obedience Demonstrated2:16 Download
07-18 - Elijah Refused to Be Discouraged2:09 Download
07-19 - We Need More Calebs and Joshuas2:05 Download
07-20 - Two Brave Young Men Rout Philistines2:04 Download
07-21 - We Need More Men Like Moses2:10 Download
07-22 - Too Much Is at Stake to Waver Now2:09 Download
07-23 - To Stand Firm in Spite of Ridicule and Scorn1:56 Download
07-24 - To Take a Decided Stand for Temperance2:13 Download
07-25 - To Stand for Principle Despite Opposition2:12 Download
07-26 - To Call Sin by its Right Name2:13 Download
07-27 - To Lift the Standard High2:04 Download
07-28 - To Face Death With the Courage of Daniel1:58 Download
07-29 - The Courageous Among God’s Jewels2:02 Download
07-30 - God is With His Children2:15 Download
07-31 -Renewal of Strength2:12 Download
08-01 - We See Christ on the Cross2:13 Download
08-02 - All Men are Drawn to the Uplifted Saviour2:08 Download
08-03 - All Who Look to the Cross will Live2:10 Download
08-04 - Cross of Christ to Be Erected in Our Homes2:15 Download
08-05 - We are Redeemed by Christ’s Precious Blood2:16 Download
08-06 - We are Cleansed by Christ’s Blood2:03 Download
08-07 - Atonement Through Christ’s Blood2:17 Download
08-08 - We are Justified by Christ’s Blood2:08 Download
08-09 - Sons of God Through Christ’s Blood2:13 Download
08-10 - We Are Reconciled to God by Christ’s Death2:08 Download
08-11 - Christ Has Delivered Us from Eternal Death2:05 Download
08-12 - We Are to Glory Only in the Cross2:02 Download
08-13 - We Are Not to Glory in Men2:09 Download
08-14 - We Are Not to Glory in Worldly Wisdom2:02 Download
08-15 - We Are Not to Glory in Riches2:03 Download
08-16 - We Are Not to Glory in Ourselves2:04 Download
08-17 - Glory Not in Talent and Influence2:12 Download
08-18 - We Glory in the Resurrection of Christ2:15 Download
08-19 - We Thank God for His Unspeakable Gift2:06 Download
08-20 - Christ Is Our Only Access to the Father2:17 Download
08-21 - The Cross and the Law2:10 Download
08-22 - The Cross Helps Us Understand Nature2:02 Download
08-23 - For Us Christ Endured the Cross2:06 Download
08-24 - Mercy and Justice Met at the Cross2:10 Download
08-25 - The Cross Unmasks Satan’s Government2:06 Download
08-26 - We Must Take Up Our Cross Daily1:54 Download
08-27 - We Take Up the Cross and Deny Self2:05 Download
08-28 - We Take Up Our Cross and Follow Christ2:02 Download
08-29 - If We Shun the Cross, We Lose Eternal Life2:06 Download
08-30 - The Cross that Simon Bore  Download
08-31 - Dying Thief Accepts Christ as His Saviour2:16 Download
09-01 - Privilege of Working with God1:46 Download
09-02 - True Missionary Effort Begins in the Home2:08 Download
09-03 - Faithfulness in Little Things2:17 Download
09-04 - Home Duties Well Done2:07 Download
09-05 - Influence of a Christian Life at Home2:07 Download
09-06 - Good Behavior at Home Influences Others2:02 Download
09-07 - Job Offered Sacrifices for His Children2:17 Download
09-08 - Far-reaching Influence of Christian Home2:19 Download
09-09 - God Fills Us With His Love2:16 Download
09-10 - God Allows Affliction and Trials2:15 Download
09-11 - Persecution Helps Spread the Gospel2:18 Download
09-12 - Righteous Church Members2:19 Download
09-13 - We are to Be Zealous in Our Labors2:10 Download
09-14 - God Places Benevolence Close Beside Prayer2:11 Download
09-15 - Representatives of God’s Government2:08 Download
09-16 - How We are to Work2:17 Download
09-17 - We are to Do Good to Our Neighbors2:17 Download
09-18 - We are to Labor With Love2:13 Download
09-19 - Defenders of the Faith2:10 Download
09-20 - We Are Blessed in Helping Others2:11 Download
09-21 - We are Created to Do Good Works2:19 Download
09-22 - God Blesses Those Who Consider the Poor2:08 Download
09-23 - We Are Told To Go Into All the World2:09 Download
09-24 - We are Witnesses for God2:10 Download
09-25 - We Give Liberally To Spread the Gospel2:08 Download
09-26 - We Are the Light of the World2:04 Download
09-27 - We are to Work with Christ to Save the Lost2:12 Download
09-28 - Truth Will Triumph2:15 Download
09-29 - Christ Commends those Who Serve Him2:15 Download
09-30 - When the Gospel is Preached to All2:17 Download
10-01 - By Receiving Christ, the Source of Life2:04 Download
10-02 - By Abiding in Christ, the Source of Power2:17 Download
10-03 - By Walking as Christ Walked2:07 Download
10-04 - By Walking in the Truth2:12 Download
10-05 - By Keeping the Commandments in Every Detail2:14 Download
10-06 - By Being United as Children of God2:14 Download
10-07 - Christ is the True Vine2:13 Download
10-08 - We Are the Branches2:08 Download
10-09 - God Prunes Us to Make Us More Fruitful2:11 Download
10-10 - We Bear Fruit Only as We Abide in Christ2:17 Download
10-11 - Withered Branch Apart From Christ2:12 Download
10-12 - We Confess Christ2:06 Download
10-13 - We Bear the Fruit of Brotherly Love1:59 Download
10-14 - Christ Prayed That We All Might Be One2:19 Download
10-15 - Oneness with Christ2:13 Download
10-16 - We Reflect Christ to the World2:04 Download
10-17 - We Are Kept from Sinning2:10 Download
10-18 - We Abide in His Love2:04 Download
10-19 - We Dwell in Him and He in Us2:04 Download
10-20 - Our Life is Hid with Christ in God through Baptism2:08 Download
10-21 - The Poor in Spirit Inherit the Kingdom2:05 Download
10-22 - Those Who Mourn Shall Be Comforted2:12 Download
10-23 - The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth2:08 Download
10-24 - The Hungry and Thirsty Shall Be Filled2:14 Download
10-25 - The Merciful Shall Have Mercy2:15 Download
10-26 - The Peacemakers are Called God’s Children2:12 Download
10-27 - The Persecuted Receive the Kingdom2:11 Download
10-28 - The Reviled are Blessed2:11 Download
10-29 - Transgression is Forgiven, Sin is Covered2:06 Download
10-30 - Christ in You the Hope of Glory2:12 Download
10-31 - We are Glad in the Lord2:25 Download
11-01 - Seek Constantly to Improve Your Powers1:56 Download
11-02 - Glorify God by Improving Health Habits2:10 Download
11-03 - God’s Temple Is to Receive Constant Care2:10 Download
11-04 - God Wants Us to Have the Best Manners2:15 Download
11-05 - We are to Behave Ourselves Wisely2:17 Download
11-06 - Mercies of God Preserve and Elevate Us2:12 Download
11-07 - Adorned With Divine Loveliness2:09 Download
11-08 - Rough Stones Polished for a Holy Temple2:04 Download
11-09 - Joseph a Christian Gentleman2:17 Download
11-10 - Abraham Ever Displayed Unselfish Courtesy2:16 Download
11-11 - Capabilities Increase as Spirituality Increases2:03 Download
11-12 - Seek New Heights in Faith2:08 Download
11-13 - We are to Increase Spiritually2:12 Download
11-14 - God Does Not Limit Our Advancement2:14 Download
11-15 - Break Up the Fallow Ground2:06 Download
11-16 - Continually Store Mind With Divine Truth2:12 Download
11-17 - Put on the Whole Armor of God2:05 Download
11-18 - God Works in Us to Do His Good Pleasure1:58 Download
11-19 - We Put Away Childish Things2:00 Download
11-20 - We Grow Up in Christ1:59 Download
11-21 - Our Faith Grows Exceedingly2:04 Download
11-22 - Seek to Excel2:13 Download
11-23 - Attain to the Full Stature of Christ2:05 Download
11-24 - Going Forth Is Prepared as the Morning2:17 Download
11-25 - We Must Constantly Look to Jesus2:06 Download
11-26 - Our Experience Will Reach Into Eternity2:07 Download
11-27 - Look Upon Christ—Assimilate His Image2:10 Download
11-28 - We Long to Catch Glimpses of His Glory2:01 Download
11-29 - We Are Filled With Praise1:59 Download
11-30 - We Become Like Him2:04 Download
12-01 - Now Is the Sealing Time1:57 Download
12-02 - Seek the Lord While He May Be Found2:07 Download
12-03 - Become God’s Sons, and Heirs Through Christ2:14 Download
12-04 - Be as Trees Planted by Rivers of Water2:20 Download
12-05 - Be Sober and Watch Unto Prayer2:11 Download
12-06 - Live Righteously and Godly2:10 Download
12-07 - Be Without Fault2:05 Download
12-08 - Overcome the World Through Faith2:02 Download
12-09 - And His Reward is With Him2:02 Download
12-10 - Hold Fast and Be Ready2:09 Download
12-11 - We Hasten His Return With Holy Conversation2:08 Download
12-12 - He Returns as Protector and Avenger of His Own1:54 Download
12-13 - He Will Be to Us a Sanctuary2:12 Download
12-14 - Probation is Fast Closing2:09 Download
12-15 - He Calls Us to the Marriage Supper2:10 Download
12-16 - Christ Comes With Power and Great Glory2:03 Download
12-17 - The Faithful of Earth Will Be Saved2:02 Download
12-18 - The Dead in Christ Rise First2:09 Download
12-19 - Caught Up to Be With Christ Forever2:05 Download
12-20 - All Nations Are Gathered in Judgment2:03 Download
12-21 - We Receive the Crown of Life2:00 Download
12-22 - A Great Multitude Enter the City of God2:10 Download
12-23 - We Inherit the Kingdom2:06 Download
12-24 - We Eat of the Tree of Life2:13 Download
12-25 - We Have Power Over the Nations2:10 Download
12-26 - We are Given Life Without End2:11 Download
12-27 - Because We are Worthy, We Shall Walk in White1:56 Download
12-28 - We are Presented to the Father2:06 Download
12-29 - We are Made Pillars in the Temple of God2:06 Download
12-30 - We Sit With Christ on His Throne2:10 Download
12-31 - We Shall Inherit All Things2:09 Download