01 - My Misfortune | 7:19 |
02 - The Advent Faith | 4:30 |
03 - Feelings of Despair | 9:07 |
04 - The Methodist Church | 5:35 |
05 - Opposition of Formal Brethren | 6:26 |
06 - My First Vision | 7:04 |
07 - Call to Travel | 19:33 |
08 - Fanaticism in Maine | 5:08 |
09 - Vision of the New Earth | 6:33 |
10 - Trials and Victories | 15:35 |
11 - Visit to Massachusetts | 11:39 |
12 - Meeting at Randolph | 6:18 |
13 - Return to Maine | 16:36 |
14 - Visit to Connecticut | 7:24 |
15 - Western New York | 11:39 |
16 - Return to Connecticut | 6:41 |
17 - Visit to Mass. and N. H | 9:12 |
18 - Publishing and Traveling | 18:25 |
19 - Visit to Vermont and Maine | 13:05 |
20 - Publishing Again | 10:31 |
21 - The Review and Herald | 11:34 |
22 - Removal to Saratoga Springs | 12:21 |
23 - Removal to Rochester. | 8:29 |
24 - Eastern Tour | 9:53 |
25 - Nathaniel and Anna | 9:07 |
26 - Labors in Michigan | 13:00 |
27 - Second Visit to Michigan | 8:23 |
28 - Extreme Trials | 11:37 |
29 - Captivity Turned | 14:06 |
30 - The West | 14:35 |
31 - The Laodicean Testimony | 11:27 |
32 - Systematic Benevolence | 11:45 |
33 - Vision at Monterey | 18:13 |
34 - Young Sabbath-keepers | 21:29 |
35 - Visit to Ohio | 11:41 |
36 - Visit to Illinois | 6:01 |
37 - Testimony for the Church | 42:43 |