01 - The Fall of Lucifer | 12:41 |
02 - The Creation | 5:33 |
03 - Consequences of Rebellion | 14:21 |
04 - Temptation and Fall | 18:47 |
05 - The Plan of Salvation | 18:29 |
06 - Cain and Abel and Their Offerings | 8:56 |
07 - Seth and Enoch | 8:47 |
08 - The Flood | 19:18 |
09 - The Tower of Babel | 3:34 |
10 - Abraham and the Promised Seed | 15:50 |
11 - The Marriage of Isaac | 4:42 |
12 - Jacob and Esau | 12:11 |
13 - Jacob and the Angel | 10:45 |
14 - The Children of Israel | 21:27 |
15 - God's Power Revealed | 12:43 |
16 - Israel's Escape From Bondage | 12:51 |
17 - Israel's Journeyings | 19:11 |
18 - The Law of God | 27:33 |
19 - The Sanctuary | 11:38 |
20 - The Spies and their Report | 10:32 |
21 - The Sin of Moses | 9:22 |
22 - The Death of Moses | 8:18 |
23 - Entering the Promised Land | 14:03 |
24 - The Ark of God and the Fortunes of Israel | 24:24 |
25 - The First Advent of Christ | 11:11 |
26 - The Ministry of Christ | 10:28 |
27 - The Betrayal of Christ | 8:08 |
28 - The Trial of Christ | 13:05 |
29 - The Crucifixion of Christ | 18:56 |
30 - The Resurrection of Christ | 16:26 |
31 - The Ascension of Christ | 3:23 |
32 - Pentecost | 11:55 |
33 - The Healing of the Cripple | 10:05 |
34 - Loyalty to God Under Persecution | 9:10 |
35 - Gospel Order | 4:20 |
36 - Death of Stephen | 10:34 |
37 - The Conversion of Saul | 14:57 |
38 - The Early Ministry of Paul | 7:38 |
39 - The Ministry of Peter | 20:16 |
40 - Peter Delivered From Prison | 16:15 |
41 - In the Regions Beyond | 15:47 |
42 - Paul's Years of Ministry | 9:09 |
43 - Martyrdom of Paul and Peter | 10:03 |
44 - The Great Apostasy | 11:03 |
45 - The Mystery of Iniquity | 18:35 |
46 - Early Reformers | 8:07 |
47 - Luther and the Great Reformation | 9:35 |
48 - Progress of the Reformation | 11:45 |
49 - Failure to Advance | 4:24 |
50 - The First Angel's Message | 14:44 |
51 - The Second Angel's Message | 8:35 |
52 - The Midnight Cry | 10:38 |
53 - The Sanctuary | 7:36 |
54 - The Third Angel's Message | 10:19 |
55 - A Firm Platform | 4:57 |
56 - Satan's Delusions | 9:04 |
57 - Spiritualism | 11:51 |
58 - The Loud Cry | 5:19 |
59 - The Close of Probation | 7:49 |
60 - The Time of Jacob's Trouble | 5:11 |
61 - Deliverance of the Saints | 6:22 |
62 - The Saints' Reward | 2:54 |
63 - The Millennium | 4:13 |
64 - The Second Resurrection | 4:06 |
65 - The Coronation of Christ | 10:06 |
66 - The Second Death | 5:33 |
67 - The New Earth | 6:54 |