The Final Events

That Will Lead to End of the World.

Part One in a Series


There is much speculation regarding the end of the world.

Is there a Mark of the Beast?

If so, when will the Mark of the Beast be Enforced?

When will Probation close for mankind?

When will God’s people be delivered?

When is the Parousia, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

What is the Great Controversy?

What is the order of these End Time Events?

Is there an order?

The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!


What does the Bible say?


How did the world begin?

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

That’s how the human story in the Bible begins.


How will it end?

“And I saw a new heaven and the new earth for the first heaven and the first earth passed away….  And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Revelation 21:4


Many things have and will continue to happen between the beginning and the end of the world. Painful and evil things, horrible and unthinkable things, because when it’s over God will find it necessary to wipe away all tears from our eyes. But before the world ends Scripture informs us that there will be a series of final events.

Some of these events will be sequential and successive, some of them will overlap. But all of them will converge at last to bring about the end of the world as we know it and usher in a beautiful New World, where the omnipotent power of the universe will reign. That power is the Matchless Love of God. For God is Love. Other Centered Love.

What are the key forces that bring about the end?

Who are the key players that push the world to its end and what is at stake for those living at the end of time?


Bible prophecy answers these questions.

The same God who wipes away all tears cares so much about us that He wants us to be informed ahead of time regarding the final events of human history.

End time prophecy is a manifestation of God’s love for us.

It is designed to prepare us not to scare us. Remembering that in the end the love of God wins.


According to Bible prophecy there are three primary forces that will trigger end time events:

  1. religious forces
  2. political forces
  3. economic forces


According to the Bible, we can expect to see is religious forces combining with political forces to leverage economic pressures upon the public in order to overturn religious liberty by enforcing the Mark of the Beast. Who would have predicted the economic effects and the restrictions of liberty caused by COVID19? Who would have predicted that Roe v. Wade would be overturned in 2022? Judicial, executive and legislative changes in the United States are taking place right before our very eyes. Sadly, much more is coming.


Who are the actors that we can expect to be involved in triggering end time events?

There are four key players.


  1. Catholicism.  Medieval Catholicism with its dark European roots, such as seen in the Inquisition, will exert its unchanging influence in the end time scenario. It’s history throughout the Dark Ages was characterized by the church using the power of the state to enforce its power over the masses. It is this very dynamic we can expect to see repeated. It is currently working in the shadows influencing world governments to establish laws that will allow the church to regain political power.
  2. Protestantism and Evangelicalism. Especially demonstrated in its American manifestation will operate as a leading force in uniting church and state, forming an image to Dark Age Catholicism, sadly with history repeating, resulting in religious legislation and persecution.
  3. Spiritualism. There are no national or denominational borders, spiritualism, under the guise of climate change and saving the planet earth from human destruction, will act as a unifying force to unite Catholics and Protestants.
  4. United States of America. Having professed lamblike characteristics of liberty and justice for all, will eventually speak like a dragon through its legislative process, thereby acting as the political and economic engine that will drive the overturning of religious liberty and political democracy. Religious freedom will be lost. The majority will dictate the destiny of the outliers, the minority.


The stakes could not be higher in these impending final events of human history. By uniting church and state the key players in world politics, religion and finance will bring the world to a crisis and decisions will be made. Every person will find themselves faced with pressure that will demand they act out the content of their characters, who they are in the core of their being. Humanity will be divided into people that are haters and lovers, enforcers and liberators, prosecutors and persecuted.

The ultimate good news:  the love of God will win in the end. A new and better day is coming.

Our goal in this series is to portray the Final Events from a solid biblical foundation and view, avoiding speculation and hyperbole.

Let us be reminded that:

“God’s love is meteoric.

God’s loyalty is astronomical.

God’s purpose is titanic.

God’s verdict oceanic, yet in His largeness nothing gets lost.

How exquisite your love, O God.” Psalms 36 :5-7 The Message

The Simple Story. The Cross Of Christ.

The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

NOTE: In this series, various events overlap and transpire more as an intersecting and mutually intensifying process, than as isolated events in strict succession.