The Final Events. The Simple Story of the Cross. Part Seventy in a Series.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
This prayer is appropriate for every soul, and at any time and in every place may be offered to God in the name and through the merit of Christ. The thought that God can take a poor, sinful, sorrowful human being, and so transform him by grace that he may become an heir of God and joint heir with Jesus, is almost too great for our comprehension. If the sinner comes to God confessing his sin, and believing in Christ as his personal Savior, he will be accepted; for the word of God is sure. It is yea and amen. Jesus says, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Christ takes upon him the sins of the transgressor, and imputes to him his righteousness, and by his transforming grace makes him capable of associating with angels and communing with God.
Out of Christ, human wisdom in all its forms is foolishness; for those who trust in their own wisdom, have lost eternity out of their reckoning. Christ prayed for his followers, saying, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” To all who believe in Jesus as able to save unto the uttermost all that come unto God by him, the gospel is the power and wisdom of God. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him.” “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God.” Jesus is inviting and drawing by his Holy Spirit the hearts of young and old unto himself. He says, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
When Christ crucified is preached, the power of the gospel is demonstrated by the influence it exerts over the believer. In place of remaining dead in trespasses and sins, he is awakened. The simple story of the cross of Christ, his suffering and dying for the world his resurrection and ascension, his mediation in the sinner’s behalf before the Father, subdues and breaks the hard and sinful heart, and brings the sinner to repentance.
The Holy Spirit sets the matter before him in a new light, and the sinner realizes that sin must be a tremendous evil to cost such a sacrifice to atone for it; for he hears that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” How grievous must sin be that no less a remedy than the death of the Son of God could save man from the consequences of his guilt. Why was this done in behalf of man? —It was because God loved him, and was not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, believe in Jesus as a personal Savior, and have life eternal.
The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events Blog series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the Love of the Father for all mankind.
Those who transgress the law of God must suffer the penalty of transgression; but by repentance of sin, by faith in Christ, who, innocent, suffered the punishment for the guilty, the sinner may be pardoned, and through the merit of Christ, may have another probation in which he may have opportunity to form a character like Christ’s character. No one will enter the abodes of bliss who have not been tested and proved; for it must be demonstrated that those who enter heaven will be obedient to its laws, and in harmony with its government. If through the merit of Christ, we develop a character in submission to the will and way of God in this world, our names will stand registered in the Lamb’s book of life. Every soul is now deciding his own destiny, proving whether he will be worthy to unite with the saints in light, or unworthy of an entrance into the city of God—fit only to remain with the wicked and to perish with them.
With intense interest the angels of God are watching to see how we are developing, and they are weighing moral worth. God has given to every man his work, and he is to be no idler. Those who are sanctified through the truth, will make it manifest in their actions; for they will stand decidedly on the Lord’s side, and be heart to heart with their Captain. They will be laborers together with God, representing and defending the holy and the pure, while those who range themselves on the side of error, will support methods whereby the truth shall be suppressed. God has given to everyone his light, his measure of power; and he is to work after Christ’s order, manifesting self-denial, wearing Christ’s yoke, and bearing his burden. He will then reveal the fact that he is one with Christ, and his light will shine forth to the world in good works. No one who truly follows Christ, will selfishly live for himself. That he is a follower of Christ is to be demonstrated by precept and example, —line upon line, precept upon precept. In the little things and in the larger responsibilities he is to make it manifest that he is rooted and grounded in the truth. Then his influence will be a success. His associates will know where to find him, and the world will know what to expect of him, and souls will be saved through his instrumentality.
The influence of the Christian, as a witness for Christ, will be far-reaching; for the truth of God will be carried by the Spirit’s power, and the heart and conscience of many others will be awakened; and so the talents of the Lord’s intrusting will be continually increasing. Let every youth remember that it is one thing to acknowledge the truth of the doctrines of the Bible, and it is another thing to let them control the practical life, and have the living, working principles of truth fashioning the thoughts and actions, that the soul may be pure as God is pure. For as God is perfect in his sphere, so man is to be perfect in his sphere. Let the youth be fully determined to bring sound doctrine into actual contact with souls for whom Christ died, that it may produce sound practice. Then you will be doers of the words of Christ.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
The Final Events. The Simple Story of the Cross. Part Seventy in a Series.
The Final Events will end with the splendor of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ also known as the Parousia. The Signs of Parousia are detailed in the Final Events Blog series and emphasize the Imminent Return and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the Love of the Father for all mankind.