01 - Nebuchadnezzar1:08:45 Download
02 - From Evil-Merodach to Belshazzar32:46 Download
03 - The Fall of Babylon39:27 Download
04 - Darius the Mede and Cyrus28:12 Download
05 - Cambyses and “Smerdis”15:09 Download
06 - Darius20:21 Download
07 - Darius — In Scythia and at Marathon37:27 Download
08 - Xerxes — The Army of Invasion36:45 Download
09 - Xerxes — Thermopylae20:58 Download
10 - Xerxes — Salamis33:14 Download
11 - Xerxes — Plataea16:18 Download
12 - Artaxerxes to Darius Codomanus37:48 Download
13 - The Great Empires of Prophecy25:20 Download
14 - Alexander — In Europe22:14 Download
15 - Alexander — Granicus, Issus, and Arbela47:33 Download
16 - Alexander — From Babylon to Babylon Again29:45 Download
17 - Alexander’s Successors — The Empire Divided35:41 Download
18 - Alexander’s Successors — The King of the North and the King of the South50:18 Download
19 - The Republic1:33:32 Download
20 - The Failure of the Republic1:14:36 Download
21 - The First Triumvirate59:26 Download
22 - The Second Triumvirate44:03 Download
23 - The Empire24:49 Download
24 - The Monarchy1:05:40 Download
25 - Against Christianity1:31:23 Download
26 - The Great Apostasy1:04:01 Download
27 - Exaltation of the Bishopric38:34 Download
28 - The Rise of Constantine42:30 Download
29 - The Religion of Constantine42:31 Download
30 - Constantine and the Bishops45:54 Download
31 - The Union of Church and State57:35 Download
32 - The Original Sunday Legislation1:01:05 Download
33 - Establishment of the Catholic Faith1:06:24 Download
34 - Arianism Becomes Orthodox1:12:27 Download
35 - The Catholic Faith Re-Established51:55 Download
36 - Church Usurps the Civil Authority37:05 Download
37 - The Ruin of the Empire52:35 Download
38 - Rome Divided22:04 Download
39 - The Alemanni and the Franks25:19 Download
40 - The Suevi, the Vandals, and the Burgundians34:36 Download
41 - The Visigoths1:06:48 Download
42 - The Angles and Saxons23:04 Download
43 - The Ostrogoths Enter the Western Empire26:57 Download
44 - The Lombards13:25 Download
45 - The Herulian Kingdom26:25 Download
46 - The Ten Kingdoms1:00:31 Download