00 - Foreword | 2:49 |
01 - Gods Purpose for His Church | 5:22 |
02 - The Training of the Twelve | 6:56 |
03 - The Good News to Go Everywhere | 8:54 |
04 - Pentecost The Apostles Begin Their Work | 11:36 |
05 - The Gift of the Spirit Is for Us | 9:39 |
06 - Peter and John Forbidden to Do Christs Work | 12:09 |
07 - A Dishonest Husband and Wife Punished | 6:29 |
08 - Peter and John Freed From Prison | 9:21 |
09 - Why the Seven Deacons Were Chosen | 9:08 |
10 - Stephen, the First Martyr for Christ | 5:41 |
11 - The Gospel Reaches Samaria and Ethiopia | 9:25 |
12 - From Saul to Paul Persecutor to Disciple | 12:20 |
13 - How God Educated Paul | 8:07 |
14 - The Gospel Goes to the Gentiles | 11:36 |
15 - An Angel Delivers Peter From Prison | 12:07 |
16 - Dramatic Success at Antioch | 10:51 |
17 - Heralds of the Gospel | 9:45 |
18 - The Apostles Are Both Persecuted and Adored | 10:29 |
19 - Thorny Problems Settled by the Holy Spirit | 12:50 |
20 - Pauls Secret Exalt the Cross | 8:59 |
21 - Angels Open a Philippian Prison | 10:04 |
22 - A Revival and a Riot at Thessalonica | 10:02 |
23 - Paul Preaches in Berea and Athens | 12:08 |
24 - Preaching the Power of the Cross in Corinth | 11:34 |
25 - Two Important Letters to the Thessalonians | 11:55 |
26 - Church Politics at Corinth | 12:01 |
27 - Witchcraft Books Burned | 10:28 |
28 - The Silversmiths Riot at Ephesus | 7:32 |
29 - Paul Challenges Lawsuits and Sexual Looseness | 9:32 |
30 - Paul Strengthens the Church for All Time | 13:17 |
31 - Corinth Accepts Paul's Counsel | 11:59 |
32 - The Joy of Liberal Giving | 10:52 |
33 - Working Under Great Difficulties | 11:40 |
34 - The Joy of Working With Christ | 11:32 |
35 - Gods Special Plan for the Jews | 9:01 |
36 - Pauls Timeless Letter to the Galatians | 5:08 |
37 - Pauls Farewell Journey to Jerusalem | 9:40 |
38 - Paul Receives Bad Advice | 19:54 |
39 - Pauls Trial at Caesarea | 8:30 |
40 - Paul Appeals to Caesar | 4:35 |
41 - The King Who Refused the Cross | 6:18 |
42 - Paul Experiences Shipwreck in a Storm | 9:10 |
43 - Paul in Rome Big-City Evangelist in Chains | 13:55 |
44 - Paul Wins Converts in the Emperors Palace | 6:57 |
45 - The Letters Paul Wrote From Rome | 14:17 |
46 - Paul Is Free Once More | 3:21 |
47 - Pauls Final Arrest and Imprisonment | 2:28 |
48 - Paul Again Before Nero | 5:52 |
49 - Paul Pours Out His Heart in His Last Letter | 10:59 |
50 - Paul Dies for the One Who Died for Him | 5:00 |
51 - The Apostle Peter, a Faithful Undershepherd | 13:48 |
52 - Peter Crucified at Rome | 9:10 |
53 - John, the Beloved Disciple | 6:46 |
54 - John, Faithful Witness for Christ | 11:20 |
55 - Johns Secret of True Sanctification | 11:06 |
56 - John Is Exiled to Lonely Patmos | 9:17 |
57 - John Sees the Visions of the Revelation | 14:02 |
58 - A Glorious Future Is Before Us | 9:11 |