00 - Foreword | 5:05 |
01 - Why Poverty and Distress | 16:36 |
02 - Christs Sympathy for Suffering Humanity | 7:58 |
03 - A Divine Prescription | 10:59 |
04 - This is Pure Religion | 13:11 |
05 - The Parable of the Good Samaritan | 15:24 |
06 - Our Example in Welfare Ministry | 10:55 |
07 - Visitation The New Testament Plan | 12:22 |
08 - Dorcas Her Ministry and its Influence | 3:12 |
09 - Types of Work in Neighborhood Evangelism | 20:09 |
10 - Kindness the Key to Hearts | 11:32 |
11 - How to Visit and What to Do | 20:00 |
12 - The Effectiveness of Visitation Evangelism | 15:51 |
13 - Organizing the Church for Welfare Ministry | 17:03 |
14 - In the Footsteps of the Master | 15:16 |
15 - Medical Ministry in the Homes | 17:41 |
16 - Preparing for Last-Day Crises and Disasters | 11:43 |
17 - Women Called to the Work | 11:20 |
18 - Qualifications of Women for Service | 15:43 |
19 - The Influence of Christian Women | 19:48 |
20 - Ministry to the Poor | 16:17 |
21 - The Poor in the Church | 18:59 |
22 - The Poor of the World | 11:28 |
23 - Helping the Poor to Help Themselves | 17:20 |
24 - Poor to Exercise Benevolence | 7:22 |
25 - Our Duty to the Unfortunate | 8:32 |
26 - Help and Encouragement for Widows | 11:31 |
27 - The Care of Orphans | 23:46 |
28 - Adopting Children | 8:23 |
29 - The Care of the Aged | 3:29 |
30 - Our Responsibility to the Blind | 7:25 |
31 - Working for Outcasts | 14:58 |
32 - Cautions Sounded | 5:28 |
33 - The Call for a Balanced Work | 8:44 |
34 - Our Individual Responsibility | 3:17 |
35 - Releasing the Streams of Benevolence | 6:33 |
36 - Specific Funds for Welfare Work | 6:33 |
37 - The Wealth of the Gentiles | 12:45 |
38 - Food Sales | 9:06 |
39 - Forbidden Money-Raising Methods | 6:33 |
40 - The Influence of Neighborhood Ministry | 10:23 |
41 - Reflex Blessings | 15:18 |
42 - The Present and Eternal Rewards | 6:33 |